Winston-Salem Journal from Winston-Salem, North Carolina (2025)

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Winston-Salem Journali

Winston-Salem, North Carolina

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Page E6 Sunday Morning June 17 1962 Stars Play Hamilton Magazines Books Etc OR EVERY MAGAZINE wbl'ihtd special o'r'i from any source dto! PA 3624 Skeetor Subscription Service West fczsd Blvo Special Nonets Here Today An all rtar Piedmont League team will meet Hamilton Ohio Champion Papers team in a soft han doubleheader at Hanes Ho siery Park at 2 pm today The first game will be a nine inning affair Bob Hinson of Statesville will start for the All Stars Junior Ladd of Cartex Mills will pitch the middle three in nings and Burgess of Moody Tire will work the last three Bill Willard of Whitney urni ture will pitch the second game The Hamilton team will play Whitney Monday night at the Air orce base The Stars incluoe: BUI Bernes Car fex end Benny Coppie Whrtney st base Junior Rainer Burner and Jim Ptommons Whitney second base Jim Watkins Burlington Ltovd BuH and Bill HarretL StotosvMto thro Jm Anthony of Moody Ide third Shm Mangum Salisbury and Graybe u' shqrtstooj Bill Beasiey Buf hngton and Jim Morgan Wnitney catchers Jim Puroeson Mbody The Boo Everson na Pea Becx Certeatj 1 Cook a ltd Leroy Smith Whitney Tiny Burtoer outf elders and Ron Osborne Whitney utility PUBLIC NOTICE EXECUTOR NOTICE Having aua Ofed as executo eslate Maida Strut Peed deceased late ot orsytn County fto'm Carotma this it to notify all persons rm fac corporations having ciaim again! tne eslate of said deceased to exhtou them to the undersigrea at 53 Aaugntown St Wlnston Saiem on or teio th Htft day of December itji or tmt notce will be pleaded ba of their recovery All persons kweoteo io slate will piease rrat mmede pay menu This he 10th day of June ltd? EUGENE A PEED Executor of Maca Rcc Spry an? AfL June IQ 17 24 July I ADMINIST a TOP NOTICE Ha vine a ut tg AomHiiMrator earf ne ejtato o' ran James Wscen oe ceeM a orsyth County North Carolra tn Io 11 persons and CO" onj having claims assist tne es laie of sard deceased errno tnem to the undersigned at 211 eooaf BufcChng Winiton Saiem or be'ire t'rf 4n dav of December J962 or tree wiH peeced In tar o' Jheir recover All persons Indebted la sao evae will tato mae immec a we ment This tne 3'd Car of June 162 Alva Estelle Lindsey Welker Ad mmlstrator of rank Jmi er Lakt Pninips Attn Jure 10 24 cm in ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Waving Qualified as of the estato Minn Reid Newman deceased County North Carohna ihi I to all persons firms arid Cor porations having claims against the esia of said deceased to exhibit them to he undersigned at Reynolds Bldg Win ston Salem Ct on or before the day o' November 1962 or thia notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery All persons indented to said estate will p'ea'e make immed ate payment This the 27th day of May 1962 Jean Jone Administratrix of Min nie Red Newman Robert Bryant Ally May 27 June 3 TO 17 AINTING ano decorating Interior ex teiw cerptntry repairs ree esti mates Wort guaranteed A 5 3220 WELLS DRILLED $375 per fool for a well i casing Stoltz Bros WeJ Drjiknq Co 767 1229 well por ing BURGLAR ALARM systems for rent on smalt montnly cto pn A A Burglar Aiami Co Phone 924 2042 ENCE Installed Metal or wood Repair yourj or build new PA aOMt DIP OR SALE Cn TTToO 'm PA 2 1606 RENCH LESSONS taught by gift who soeaxs rench fluently ai PA 33i8 BOOKKEEPING and tax reports for small Business Orrell Tax Service 420 4fh St PA filP LOOR SANDING INISHING Wail tiling Armstrong Lngieum installed PA 3 80 4 Saiem loor i a LANDSCAPING SERVICE ine grading seeding shrubbery Ct ment work Call ST I 575 GOODE TREE SERVICE Trimming moving trees oeadwoodmg clean ing hauling Licensed bonded and swed Cali PA Mxji EDITH REHNBORG Dal 7187552 slfbuto's mouiries wtk comed CELOTEX Remodel repair and new rooms Hman ST 1 8510 bo vate DE EClivE77onfid7nt al in vest gallons Stae license a bonded PO Box Wl 724 BICK A BLOCK wo Small or ltge fcbs Call ST M37I GENERAL MAINTENANCE iltered compost yard shrubs gardens IT after pm SANDROCK 1t and VP load Basment w' bv icorg Call WUourn Long ST ier a pjn ALTERATIONS resting belli button hOsts Market formt'fy Sylvia's 321 KASth Bca A 1 KO3 STUM0 New revolutionary stmp rcr'f Cfeap rales PA 5 Gf Servke AaUMINJ'i CfhS so'm doors and hKKftf prices ree eitl mNs PA 1 MM PA 2 041 LhT 1 CREWS Wett Drll'eri boring m1pS Pl 3 747 1522 OR ENT washert Mmrei A poll ante Rental Pre PA NELS DIUED BORED bast price arlL 767 Slolli LanDROCK or grti'el and any grade wo M'evfrt on our driveway Ktr renx'' C'e ns'u? Landscape OIvU tbn yn EXPERT Lh moe'ng In Rural Hall 43133 0r WO 9 4557 be kwe 4 pm 0KDE5 tr eryphed r0rV oellvered for gnvewavs basmeflt tPami Henry rbrwgn ah PERSON! SURPRISE GIT for you Send rmoy eenaK film oox with ad Lml Limited National Col or Corp At an 24 Ga i EXPERT PIANO TUNING and repair Call PA 3 9705 MOV I NO 1 Get Your ree Moving Kill Packed with valuable Informalion on Local Long Distance Moving hauling chrges facts on estimates parking Plut much mor PA 5 1739 or Wflet lo ATLAS TRANS ERS 126 No Trade EXECUTOR Having quail Led as Executor of Im eate of Lou Pack Sr deceased late orsyth County North Carolina th 1 Is to notify all persons firms and corpixahoni hav ing claims against the of said de ceased lo exhibit them to the under signed at Route 1 Walkertown onT before the 4th day of December 1962r Ims notice will be p'eaded in bar of their recovery All orrsons Indebted to said estale will ea't maa Im med ate payment This the 3rd dev of June 196? Loua Pack Jr ExaCulor of Love Pack Sr ack well Biackwell Canady A iler Atfyj June 3 10 7 24 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Havingua hfed as Administratrix of th astataf Lois York (Lois Ann Clanton York) deceased let gf orsyth Cbunty North Carolina ths it to notify all persona firms and corporations having clams aaainst the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the at Box 301? Winston Salem on or be fore the ith ay of December 162 or lhi notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery AH person Indebted toaid estate will p'eax make immed aia oavmenl This the Vth day of Jure 192 Mrs Jtraleen Conrd Adminis tratrix Of Lois York Hayes I Hayes AHys June 17 24 Jyty 1 nASSITD WANT AD RATES WINSTON SAL rm journal (Morning) TWIN CITY SENTINEL (Evening) JOURNAL ANO sentinel (Sunday) INORMATION W0a I Day CM Py 12 zn 24J 10 JI 24 105 13 IVI IM II 'O 5 31 7 43 to 41 64 6 41 10 9 1 2 29 12 29 0 65 to 3 63 1 91 15 Ji 16 31 Dto7l 4 26 53 1775 79 to 14 46? 1144 WH Ads appear jq both morning and ee nlng caper one cost New copy MIL and correction accepted for net morning' publication! No change made In enng issta Correct on of errors must re made he we second insertion No ailowanca will be made for more than on incorrect sermon igure! or count gne word The puplisner reserve th right to YUa or reiecl any copy Clasvfied Adi will accepted from hsted elophone jubscrlbtr ana charged al the regu'ar These accommoda bon charge are for the conrenince of our polroni ano payment duo within wven dayi afiar Insarton JOURNAL and SEMINEL16420 Norm Marshall Sfeet tam ai Pa V73H Card o( 'i hanks AMty of Todd wish io thank meir and PbDor for Ihf expressions of tym patny and acll of xindra during fhely bereavement Cemetery Lois 1 GRAVE PLOT In Mountview Memorial Pork next lower S400 92a 2144 WOUNTVIEW 4 grave plot on drive way Singmg Towar secHon Ca 93 OAK LAWN Igraye best $1000 t00 down 525 month PA 5 9351 after 4 Monument WALL MONUMENT CO years enru t'rwui itrytw in cemetery momoriail and ound LOST BILLOLD dark pink wh driv er license with name Shirley Sprinkle Call PA 4 339L OUND Beao'e ifl Old Richmond vlclmlty YU 3 Vjl LOST class ring fromGniMh Mian School inibri MTP inside i0t Vicinity Gtenn Avenue found call Pa 4 5914 reward OUND Small dog Terrier Type Tibor? har wearing lag vicinity Reynold Robm Hood Rd Call PA 3 5126 LOST in vicinity ork black and tan tema8 German ihcjnird answer to name Poena PA 54yy Revurd Highway 64 vicinity Piea ant Vew Baciu) Church Piae call LY 5 64S6 OUND Small bony Ohvtr Jonestown Rd PA 2 rom front porch 11 ft Acad emy Street antique mud scraper Pease return no auesHons eked SlRAfEO Saturday June $th la Bon oonv with halter vicinity SanfitrVii A 4 9315 HANDYMAN St VIC Painting yard work waxing floors cleaning houies ST 1731 HIGHEST Quality sea! covi'i reason able orket headliner door panel cushion Edward Seat Cover Center 696 Liberty St PA 2 26I7 CARPENT WORK Repair bglld ret eUmate Large small lob Reason Ole Prkas PA 4 4054 PRIVATE DETEC AgenT Lb censed nd bonded Guy Scolf PA 2 7213 Johnson PA 3 359 4 OR Complete li(j 0( camping eduioment luggage carrier tie PA CABINETS bonkcavs rra tv hmatas Reasonable Pa 5 7932 Bruce Craver 2732 Palria St SANDROCK land topsoil gravel deliv ered rat estimate for drlvewayi Grad Long 723 64 WJJ HAUL Your Hash off cheap Call PA 3 WILL NOT Ba responsible for any debt other than my own McG ul a SUPERIOR Window and Awning Com pany Triple trad torni dour 145 Trip le tract storm windows 10 20 carport 5359 Installation price Included ree eslmate PA 5 2117 CONCR I driveway month lo pay Work 5 1462 patios up to 36 guaranteed pA WELL DIGGING cleaning rock blasting anywhere Hourly or tontra xperl service Buck Vawtor PA 4946 WHEN WAS Your well cleaned 11? ift need tg cleaned either dug or bored call us for free estimate We will can well and foot valve Put crushed stone In bottom Call 724 0454 for well Cleaning sarvice TREE SURGEON pest Experienced ree Strickland h7 279 UPHOLSTERING by Pay underburk work guaranteed 26 year experience ejimaie PA 4 4346 DRAPERIES Cheap PA 1 42t0 BASEMEN TS WATERPROOED 1 veer guarantee frte 1 mate Tri State WarpreoHng Co ST 1 1133 WILIAMS Household Cleaning Servin soecaHrlng in floor polishing and wax ing Rugs and upholstery Lawns mowed PA 1294 PA 2 9377 BRICK Block step driveways walls cennl basement Guaranteed PA 3 4546 CALL VA a 2649 for prompt reasonable RVhip plumbing A ping repa DRAPES VALANCES iTeDSPR EADS skYH canopies Custom made nanc ing vatiao abrks Mrs Porter PA 3 1701 BEST SANDROCK crushed rock washed iton qrl delivered Grading parking lota driveway! yard rei estimate 767 3361 ST 1 SANDROCK for driveway whie hard bn sn Cheaper than gravel Charle Al kin ST I Uv6 LANDSCAPING seeding and reseed'ng or a comolete guaranteed ob al PA 5 3646 EXPERT furniture upholstering all work guar teed lee estimate Dub Jar 7116642 DRIVEWAYS paving aid resurfacing ree estimate PA SM William anocaolng and Paving Service YARDS MOWED Sept reseeded lots cleaned Tree removed shrubbery trimmed trash hauled otd sawdust ciwaned 7674527 4U BASEMENTS waurproofTd wrT ten guarantea free est'man Dunn Aalerprochng Comexny PA 3 6331 atl er 6 pn UPHOLSTERING sTyrarfeZ Mnence ill Burke SI PA 2 1276 CUSTOM bu If cabinets bouktaie cor nice verb furniture eu 411 767 3773 PA 2 7514 SUNDAY WANT ADI SERVICE i OPEN TODAY rom i 1 :00 pm 3:00 i hWant Ad Dept I Journal ano Sentini 1 Winston Salem North Carolina Special Notice KITCHEN built in cabir'et ramoceling paneling cornices repars Cali PA 2 7554 767 3773 PARKWOOD Carpet cleaner Rugs cieaned in ypvr home or place of tus nes Vpn $chrabr method endorsed by leading crpet manufacturer 767 3377 or Elkin I35 or 35 4064 Il AXTMALS ronTRY ETC Dogs Cats Pets PAT'S AQUARIUM fish and supplies ishina bait 77Q aircloth Drivt PA 21726 BLACK AKC reg Istered ma rs very reascraole 2r4 EliZiMtn Ave 72a 5891 SOLID BROWN chihuahua at stud not registered SlO fee Phone 3M I797 ONL 2 POODLES Lc PT S0U0 lop breed $100 each See at 1837 Waughtown St OR SALE OR or garden tractor one ma a boser 3 vear od reg stared fawn wiin ack tniiK CaT 1hA 4 2054 JOHNSON'S Aquarium 3032 Luther Street complete line fropCal f'in plants ST 8 7803 AKC Boxer Puppies fawn w'th white marking ema'a $25 $30 784 O14L TOY RENCH Poodle pu)X'e AKC 1fered Tme payment arranged Stud service ST 1 0810 TOY POODLES Beautiful" regisiard (puppies) Eoert St Ext Time pay ment arranged 78! 8 RARE TROPICAL lih New nipment Neon' $350 doz 723 Aureole SL ST 8354 THREE SMALL full blooded Per an klt ten PA 4 8459 DR BITTINGER offer for aa while and apricot miniature and Toy Poodle puppies PA 4 of PA 5 0656 DOBERMAN I SCHE fl ill up pie CH ST I34C4 PARAKEETS Strong beautiful bird right age to learn to talk PA 3 327 0 DALMA1ION Puppies for sale PA 3 mi 6:00 pm BIRD DOG Pointer puppies regls'ered champion bloodline Right age for next hunting eeson PA 4 2555 BOARDING Special care to each dog Individual stalls concrete runs ar cooled Zlnzendorf Ktone PA 5 3153 night weekend 17 ArtlcleB Virled CHAIN LINK fence and In dustrial Sold and Installed ree esti mates Bast prices Robinson Ha PA 4 6883 PA 3 2151 WO 5 9776 i RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Used Large In good condition Price rea sonable for quick sale oodcraft Equip ment Co 723 2712 3Y HP TITAN Garden Tiller Porta ble Typewriter excellent condition PA 4 4Jv8 SPECIALS 20 par cent off on house i paint Riding mower cost piu 10 per trri ururi jifirr iv per cenr om Ogburn Station Hardware Co 767 02T2 RENCH DOORS Cheap good cond'tlon large Quantity John Holton PA 2 9998 alter 5 MOSAIC regular colon per sheet cold Inlay $150 pe sheet TUe 10 cent each Howell Sharpe Store Burka St PA 5 184) RELECTOR Telescope up Io 250 power practically now price A 5 4052 POWER LAWN Mowers $20 and S25 W'n ston Jewelry Loan Co 311 OLD LOOM for a 377 2326 RENT television cha'nsawt rofo Hier cement mixers generors power tools garden other Perns I Services 725 9030 CRATSMAN 21" rotary lawn mowef completely refinish'd Ilk new gras catcher extra blase maxe otter PA 4 8Z5 OR Coke dpenctf Mon ga rage lack 36" pipe wrench '51 Cadil lac Excellent condition Cali ST 17183 after 6 pm CHERRY SECDE R5 Spclf hrdwre of 11 kind veusM Hrd wore "The LltUe of 0s veluei" S4I Trede St AU METAL e1othline cmnt! in ground 2 tor St 5 767 2223 GUN TYPE oil fired boiler Minneepotl controls sultabU for Oomestc use motel resturrll trimming pool wit able to heat room bouse 711 51 3 EXCELLENT Johnion Peel moer ladies ooit cluut wardrobe trunk rniltc household Iferni PA 5 6125 Building Material PORCH LOORING 30 yeri lift JMr Alood Tr eating Co PA 5 1572 USED STEEL PIPE tubing 11 ifil tom good at nw Other prod Utts ev ellenl buvs Plaster Steel end Salveoe Co 929 Linden St PA 5 5555 MINIATURE Poodle Speclall pups reasonably priced ret service PA 3 6711 Clipping ONE while lame rat and Hurd hi cleaning cage PA 6820 GERMAN SHEPHERD puppit thorough bred for sale WH 5 9663 TOY RENCH Poodle puppies AKC reg istered Time payment arranged Stud service ST BO810 DRESSED PAAING $HKTING Lortfl 7x6 i OHwr Utd Bulkhng Malar al RIKE WRECKING CO INC 1128 Patterson A 5 1799 AKC CHIHUAHUA puppies 8 weeks one female one male $50 each 724 1301 Comfortable large Individ ual run Air cooled Separata cat faclll tie Van Carol Kenneii 8 2289 ON IAN male chihuahua SJ5 One blck tamale $30 7 month old WA 4 9763 NOR WEGIAN ELKHOUND Puppies Arc registered Shad bv Champion Buck Bov (CD) Bred for champion and companions Katrina Glenn Kennel Salem Virginia Phone DU 9 2394 CHAMPION STOCK AKC registered A4i maraner punpies dOO Call Raleigh 828 8968 or wrlfe to 2201 Alexan der Road AKC CHIHUAHU4 puppies Long and short coat Also nice Rat Terrier puo po Good action keatonably priced Phone 4862 ThornasviLe Comfortab a large Individ ual runt Aircooled Separate ca facili ties Van Carol Kennes ST 1 Horses Cattle Stock NICE 5 year old sorrel straight gaited Nice 7 yrar old dapple gray 5 galled TA 2 1525 night ST 8 24 RIDING Lessons by appointment il par hour Parrymen Barn ST 86661 PONIES Mare and colls registered infife in foal geldngs pony and horse saad ej other equipment Easy taunt Consider all trades ST 8 5670 GENTLE 54" Gelding 42" mait colt iaddes Sail or trade ST 15754 OR SALE ah ganlia cow Cali 377 2372 OR SALE Several good registered polled Hereford bulls and bred heifer John Church PA 4 1149 Ardmore Road REGISTERED POLLO Bull In good condition year old OHn Hartman ST 15140 BLACK GELDING 4 year! old bridle taddia and blanket $400 Call YU 3 2 PONIES gentle saddle harness nj cart reasonable Day WA 4 2175 night weekend 961 7787 East Bend GENTLE Bieck Whla pleasure horse with saddle and bridle Call 993 3468 MULES or tale or trade Cherry St Ext behind ire Depl red Miller 10 EAR pleasure walking bay mare blera fere 3 white storking gentle for children 27 )5 Buchanan SI PA 3 7120 PONY Saddle harness cart for tale PA 5 24J8 ONE MIL GOAT lor sale Call 924 4115 MUST SACRIICE Permanent regis tered quarter horse Call 993 2702 alter 4 pm EXTRA NICE Black slud pony 49" work good lo carl plow and riding ar Yoklt Walkertown LY 5 6856 Holstein and Jertey cov7 heavy milker irst calf $200 SI 8 4164 48 INCH PONY new sadd and Well trained and gent'e Will work to cart SI 1 60? 4 afler 4 pm 1 6 YR OLD Bay Horse gulfed real nite and gentle ST I 9520 Of ST 8 0869 HORSEBACK Irall riding horse for sale Sundown Riding Stables 2J87 Sprague 5 YEAR OLD 3 gaitad sorrel mare saddle bridle btonkel SI 8 2699 OR SALE: month old illy horse Sued by 5 galled show a'alhon of pleasure mare Bay with whia on face and lags Uentie Saddle Irainad Boot offer considered 5M Brookdale Drive Statesville TR 3 9758 I4 Poultry Egg BOB WHITE Quaii 20 cents and up al 722 1591 BABY CHICKS' US approved All lead Inq breed stra'g run all pullet 'I cockerel Also poultry lupplie and feeds Camel City Saad Sloa 63) 1i ade PA 2 3727 OR SAI Pullet 10 week old Juna 23rd harco red and sex sal link A Milter Route 5 Box 163 gh Point Phone 812 0345 Viried (BM" LOOR AN oedeilal for quick ae $50 whuton Jaehy 4 Loan Co 311 Main PA 3 1227 OR Large neon Ign Cof 81100 Will sxi for $500 Winston Jewelry 8 Loan Co 311 Main SI PA 3 1727 OLDING ALUMINUM COTS Often ran va cover extra weclal value $6 Salvage Salee Inc 120 Trade SI Phone PA 2 207 IT COSTS nothing to use a Blue Lustre Carpel Shampooer with purchase of Hue Lustie eajanl' HardAa't CHAINSAW (McCulloch) manuie spreadr other various larrn tools and equp mant and miicaHaneou household fur nlfure for li Call WH 5 5102 TAKN IN TRADE ON NEW PEWS SEVERAL LOTS USED CHAIRS TOR CHURCH OR AUDITORIUM USE 5)0 Upholder eo AtTdfiprlum rnxlr lOO Wood Auodonum Chair 100 Wood olding Chaus MANUACTURERS A DESIGNER! OP CHURCH URNITURE BLUEIELD CHURCH URNITURE CO INC 309 I Qtotown st BEImont 6 331 Ge Va ON POWER DRIVEN cane mill with two large steal evaporator ato other equipment 715 7162 i I a llrr YORK if conditioner with new cooling unib VS PA ST 11591 OR PENT Hospital lupolle party auooiie baov furniture rv and many At metal Rack for garbage can ttotos two Cfli 6 to Wain I PA 4 30 1 1 EOUIl IZINC AXLE hailer tokh w5h ecfrlcrf brake Cll PA 3 3749Her THREE ANCY INSIDE1 Huis bod Two 6 ft show cae Ail tor sale cheap 724 B6O2 REI7 GRf ASfc JOR SPRiNKIf GAS STATION OGBUPN STATION BEST GASOI AND MOTOR OILS WE SLL THE HIGHEST TEST ON EARTH AT LOWEST PRICES SPRiNkl GAS STATION RED A USES CO Used building me 1 old bricks and plumbing Off' And warehouse 883 Blvd PA 4641 MATERIAL from tog cepin lncludi logs lumber plumbing fixture wkido door LY 5 6151 20 Airplanes LUSCOZBE SILVAIRE Low engine tme excellent condition reasonably priced PA 5 7710 Antiques ANTIQUES Old coins muzzle loaded rifles civil War muskets erman Nor man Enon Just I'Z mile 4Kroi Yadkin River on 421 RAP ANTIQUE but Tn Investment Slant top de Inlaid Hu'T board Hutch Table Lazy Susan ta ble Queen Ann table Grandfather Clock around 1773 til Terry rare lamos uiefures and llver The Antique Shop 57 Business West Lebanon Street Mt Airy North Ceoflna HIGHBACK ORGAN "mirror" Old picture frames crockery Iron pot etc WH 9258 url Oil Coal and Wood GREEN SIAMPS GIVEN WITH COAL UEL OIL AND I EROSENE SOUTHERN COAL COMPAN PHONE PA 24191 CROWN DAP high octane gasolines Wnolesa relail Kerovene fuel oil Wholes only Spencar Dallon OH Co 724 1601 Jlouwhold Guw1 All types ued furnilure Buy eeil trade Jug Acad Ave A 3 OoI5 BARGAINS In television sei used wash ing machines used refrloerator and eiectric ranges Lowest once in town on freezer lockers and lelev'ilon iels New or used Ed Kelly Inc V91 Man Call PA 5 4251 "The Smiling Irishman" I CU Hot point Refrigerator Good condlion LY 3 2 8 42 COLDSPOT Uorl qht "freezer ExrelleM condition 3150 ST I 416 LARGE DISCOUNTS on all end TV's Philco and Norge appliance Car rier and Philco air condiHroner TV Center Parkway Piza PA 2 0497 USED ELEVI s7'6nT BtoielecttorTi popular makes Low $5 down $2 week Sander urniture Co Petterson A LITTLE Service Work maintop guaranteed Term ree tl male PA 3 5356 PA 3 5000 JAMES JOHNSON urniture Uphototory I Reuair ree estimates Pickup and de livery PA 3 4948 I 5 BURNER New Peifectlon oil stove like new ST 8 One Love Seal (plastic) like Naw 49 00 One Used wood coal Range 5900 One i pc Dlnefto Set (ued) 29 00 Ona Mechanics Special TV Need work 10 09 One Consoe Radio Used 1 09 One 30' Used Bunk Beds New Metlres aloe JONES URNITURE CO 44t Libecly Pa 4 1661 LINOLEUM Rug tpactoi 34 15 chest drapers 1200 up dinette tables 50 up inerial In a If used furniture tor one week only Cmn urnityr 317 West 6ih LIE NEW 1959 Coldspot Upright freezer 17 cubic fl cheao tor Quick sale or trade in Owner will fi nance 723 0567 USED URNITURE reasonable Can be seen at 4023 McArther Rd GaS Range for sa Call PA 4470 ROSE STRIPED Duncan Phyto sof $50 5 piece yellow formica dinette suite 325 2311 Sprague 1 2704 SAVE 870 24 on brand new floor sample CU It Philco 2door automatic re iqerator 32 50 cer week total price irestone Stores 5th St et Spring PA 4 5573 USt GE vacuum 815 up PA 2 8to4 PA 4 8316 VACUUM cleaner repaired all makend model PA 4 8319 COl DSPOT RERIGERATOR In good condition all PA 2 6218 NEW URNITURE Bar Sloot 7 71 Unfinished Chef 19 95 7 PC Dinette Suit 61 50 8 'C Gias Top Patio Orono IS? 30 5 Pc Bedroom Suite Salto Plr I17SW Open 10 AM PM 4k Mill a PM MCMILLAN URNITURE 81OR Hwy 151 Weil PA JJIto TV SEIS Recondlloned hade In All IlTM nd type at bergaln price Bo fork Stroud Warehouse 429 Brooks town PA 4 2411 WASHING machine Perfect condition Our going out of business price 3'4 95 each Winston Jewelry 8 Lon Comp ny 311 a I RECLINING Chair hom SSMS? EubanVi Marcanllt Co Inc 1107 Salisbury Rd urniture 4 home furnishing Open Monday 4nd riday night 9 774 am PinURET TUBES TV' repairs on eaiy Trims Murrey TV Mi Buxtcn 724 5 DINETTE SUITE and other furniture toyoto PA 2 4991 after 6 weekday ELECTRIC A NG Vefriger a to? TV wh ng machine puh mower PA ALUMINUM COTS baHt 'rest green Canvas or Seran covers $9 95 Salvage Sales inc 820 Trade Phone PA 3 1207 QUALITY URNITURE 1 low low orkas Don't buy any furniture until you oel our brice anou brand I such Cherokee Uniausta ox etc Hae Hdw 8 Straf Joid Rd PA 2 JJ62 ALE TV'S in lirxs far ei cheap Win ston Jewelry 1 Loan Co ill Me PA 1227 PRACTICALLY NEW Living room suite bed Thest stove efr igw ator cxnm mmon fV 2676 South Peachtree Call 767 0144 I PtKCf full' mahoqiny Ndroomuilih I bke new 6)50 PA 57S64 JUL Trailers for Salt Sporting Goods and Gun Autos and Trucks for Salt NO DOWN PAYMENT YEAR END SALE 4 '53 Buick hard top 2 bedroom only 2 bedroom only Save Hundreds of Dollars by picking up bargains through the Journal Sentinel Classified Want Ads smart to be thrifty It's thrifty to read THE WANT AISS EVERY DAY 14 IS PARKLR DODGE Machinery and Tool Household Good 210 North Manhll St PA 2 4131 No alurhio: abulou Spano Wldn DIXIE QuH1 I Comfort Musical amrlc Top Vlv and mny other CLASSIIED DISPLAY DO SWIMMING Article to Buy POOLS 16'x32' refails for $1995 with filter installed LAWN OR PATIO URNITUR MOTEL QUALITY 28 Office and Store Equipment plus high profits on accessories Ma INANCING AVAILABl NO CHARGE OR Call Mr Raxer PA 2 5107 DISPLAY POOL Aulo and Trucks for Kent DO PUTS IN YOUR POCKET Dealership open in your area Autos Etc Seed Plant and Tree QUALJHCATIONS: WRITE: GRINDSTA URNITURE 521 Trad (Nxf pot Office Mobile Home I will upholstor two ere uH fnr Ito 95 including labor A matoriaij 15 OOT BOAT 30 HP motor frailar 5ee at 506 West Devonshire Street HORSE DRAWN mower Capr Griffith Route 2 Griffith Road Winslon Saiem '55 '55 54 30 23 (Ail based on 25 months) 1t Payment Due in 45 Day COLEMAN DOUBLE OLINfc I ANTERNS PRICE S17 25 Sae BUDDY $510 10 LAIR $45033 NO DOWN Payment on good 51 Stude baker Wagon 8 ulo trans Also 50 Chevrolet 2 dr SI Drive PA 3 3077 MOBILE HOMES 52 Stanleyville 1 or 377 2428 LARGEST SLECTfON of musical Instru ment at the lowest price In town Em Dire Loon Co 8 East 4th Phone A 2 0655 I NEARLY NEW Go Kato Has 2 West Bend engines Cost $500 Take 3230 or trade tor automobile ST 8 1518 15 40 HP motor and trailer Also skiing equipment $750 767 2336 PiANO TUNING moving 8 rebuilding Starling pano Co phone pa 2 8169 er PA 3 519) WANTED TO RUY good ufd tep PA 4 U79 alter 7 pm STARCRAT upholstered aiuml I num sport boat 35 hp Johnson mo tor electric ttortor Cox trailer Ideal family beat Used very little 766 5458 MANTLE GAS SI? lit OUR $5 25 avis RENT A TRUCK or cr Naw GMC licet PA 3 4)779 Wichovi Stieet Jus! weJ qfl Marshall ONE BEDROOM Iraller for tale PA 5 9541 50 10 down 50 10 down SACRIICE 15 ft AlbrigM boat 35 hp Elgin motor and trailer like new $895 ST 8 1663 '59 VOLKSWAGEN with sunroof Good cond tion Call Ki 3 2913 Srnlthgrove ex change APARTMENT Size 4burfer ga stove 723 4609 '50 CHEVROLET ton Iruck good condition $175 WH 5 98 40 LARGE WRINGER type washing ma chine $1995 Winston Jewelry 8 Loan 311 7toln St OR SALE Grelch Etodromalic Guitar with Trembelo In hard shell case Going out ot business price $9950 Winston Jer elry A Loan Co JU Mato PA 3 1227 ORD PICKUP 4 cylindar lo age 724 2967 (Includes Heavy duty and ing board ladder non skid OAKWOOD I Highway 1 377 2451 ASK THE MAN WHO HAS A PROITABLE DO DEALERSHIP ONLY THRE Accordion II 120 ban accordton The other art $49 50 and 95 Winston Jewelry A Loan Co 3il Mam Street VAGABOND housef raller Ixll ft Nev furniture etoctrlc brake clean Sell or trxdr tor car ideal for camping WH 5 9840 no pod filter 10' div stainless steel coping ZIMMER 3 bedroom housetriftor "Rtl baroaln full bath colored fixtures 41 ft Iona comolete urnished In perfect condition only $3200 Day PA 4 0324 Weekends nlflht PA 2 3I3L OR SALS 'JI CHEVROLET PIcKhjb Good condition Pa 5 3284 SALVAGE SALES INC 820 Trade Street Phone pa 2 8207 COE BROTHERS DALER5 IN INE USED CARS 441 WAUGHTOWN ST PA 5 2713 PIEDMONT MOBILE HOMES Sales 8 Service "North Hwy 52" Largest itocK of mobile homes in the south Low price long trades easy term Several used trailers Call PA 3 7316 Shorty Reich Gurney Greenwood Bob Jarvis BRAND NEW BEDROOM TRAILERS LANDSCAPING seeding and or a complete guaranteed Job tfiai PA 2644 I EN AGE Ladies clothe 7 10 )L 12 Ike new sacrifice PA 5 8 775 1946 ORD Plck ub good condition 9150 WH 9840 IC PO money people 15 IBERGLASS boat end trailer rniyjel V50 pA 2 4287 OR SALE OR TRADE for what have vou ox Sterlingwor tn double oodel 12 gauge doubto Marlin mod el 90 over and under 12 gauge Savage mode! 340 bo act on 30 30 cal 8 Savage barrel 12 gauge Call PA 2 6063 riday afternoon ail day Sato Sunday I MM TOWERS Movie Camera proec tor screen ad light Call PA 3 5172 USED TV iels $1995 UP good selection Goodrich Store 145 North Main Street SEVERAL OTHER ITEMS IN LAWN ANO PATIO URNITURE ALL MO TEL BUILT OR LONG WEAR SPECIAL PRICE on I ord erguson 30 harroi $40 up Dxc A butlom plows mowers 8150 up Planters cul tivator garden tractor with equipment and a used trailer Tar Heel Tractor Co 2965 Waughtown St ST 8 0651 PAD'L BOATS REDUCED ROM $15 95 TO $9 95 38 HOUSET AIL In vry good condition Sail or trade ST 8 2573 USED URNITURE Vliit your Used urniture Deoarlment for rl burs in good used turn lure and appliances Sll urniture Co or Sth A Liberty 51 59 MODEL Ranker Boat 14 ft 35 hp Evinrude motor Boat motor trailer life tickets skis complete ready for water $550 with term 488 Knoltoood across from Miller Park School 2 BEDROOM TRAILER for rent large shady lot for rent palio and quiet PA 3 4616 BARGAIN! Nice 'S7 ord 2 door cuitom 300 A condition $595 767 026) I960 MG Roadster good condition red paint Call PA 4 1917 after 6:00 NICE apartment ibe electric range 840 Coldsool efrtoer alor like new $50 ST 15il 40 PER CENT discount on upholstering work Sa on over 6ZX) yard of cios Out fabrics nylon (hromespunv raz ons cottons linen pto tics lepetre CH 767 1921 PPSI COIA Drink box Ideal Model 300 A Dime coin box ilk new $200 767 2170 I960 CORVETTE fuel I teflon 3 spetd box sky blue $2750 PA 3 6654 HERTZ RENTACAR OR TRUCK NEW CARS MOVE IT YOURSEL AND SAVE 510 MARSHALL PA 3 0361 NICE 'S3 Chevrolet Bel Air 2 door power glide rado healer PA 2 8301 NEW URNITURE fashion tor the tea son Save 33 per cent to 50 per rent Living room dtolng room bedrooms odd pieces Get In on the tremendous savlnq at Whilnev urniture Co 1535 Lockland Ave Open 9 except Wed and Sat PA 4 7469 4 WESTINGHOUSE Electric tnve good condition 2645 South Mato Street PA 5 8581 Completely furnished Only $495 $6211 per nnonth USED ELECTRONIC ORGANS One Lowrey one Wurlitzer model 4100 two Baldwin Orgasonic organs Prices rea Cash only Jesse Bowen Musk Co 231 ifth 80 pool 34 pools 28 pools 30 pools1M) pools 22 pools 35 pools 100 GOL BALLS for a 170 PA 2 4090 0 WNt aldewalls aun roof extra clean A condition $1350 RO 6 5192 PARKER TRAlLR SALES 22 Clemmonsville Rd ST 8 1133 Dealer License 2485 WHILE THEY LAST Only a Rew Lett SO HURRYI HURRYJ TO COLEZAN SINGLE MANTLE GA5O LIN LANTERNS $15 50 list OUR rKlLS $10 1959 ORD door hardtop Gataxto while automatic transmission whde walls very good condition Owner RO alter $30 pm '55 ord $495 '55 Vukk $295 Chevrolet Pick Up 1275 Chevrolet $85 PA 3 1550 CORVAIR 4 door standard Irens minion 18623 '60 CORVETTE white with red trim both tops 4 speed positive traction new tires $2895 767 2346 NEW PIANOS KlmbaU Janssen and Cabto Terms ree parking Salem Music Co Corner West irst al Hi tharne PA 5 5426 rev1 bargain at Mobile Home ersunt Oft the rghl coming IromtonSaiem See Hoot Gtoson I GO KI Lookt No xn payment Plymouth Nation Wagon Cids PA 2 3269 NICT '58 ORD 4 door Straight drive V8 '55 ord ranch wagon $395 Will sell or trade WH 5 4790 OR SALE 1959 Buddy mobile home 10 50 Completely furnished In excellent condition 3800 679 7631 Yadkinville NC CHEVROLET New tire mechanL cally dwd $85 Good '4 Chevrolet piex up $275 PA 3 USO 1955 CHEVROLET 6 cyltoder straight drive 4door sedan radio heater white wall fires prlvaie owned A condi tion PA 5 656) 1953 CHEVROLET Pick up me Chanical condition new paint new tires good upholstering PA 2 0893 8x 28 1 bedroom full bath price $89500 will trade for car 767 0571 $1 ORD 2 door Radio heater local car Payment of til month pa 4 9539 ord 2 dr Sedan liuicK 2 dr Plymouth 4 dr Power BASgMNT DI) furnace for 6 room Maytag wringer washer $30 PA 2 7572 COLEAAN CAMP STOVES 3 burner deluxe List $2995 OUR PRICE $20to7 $ave $895 KINLAW TRAILER SALES To buy park or move a trader cell Kintow Mobile Homes Park 3 miles Route 52 South ST 1 0622 IV SERVICE Home call $2 Antenna work Work guaranteed Call ST 1 7430 OR Model AE II0 J4" riding rotary lawn mower manufactured Tjy Western Tool Price $100 Call 72 29W DIVING SERVICE Air repairs parte new units from $6275 Serv ices 725 8030 June 30lh ends our fiscal year Stop a id cash In on our Special Inventory Reduction Sale OR RENT 10x45 2 bdroom Com pletely furnished Lots for rent ST 8 2636 Many othr lo LTWOODS OR RENT Complete line of rampimoulpment lugpage carriers etc 5 2222 MUST SELL 1957 Buick Super like new 31000 miles CU 77)735 767 1321 GEORGES MOBILE HOME! ef Wlnston Sa em '57 CHEVROLET Hardtop white black 4 aoor WW RAH power brakes automatic transmission Extra Clean 728 Summit PA 2 1075 APARTMENT SIZE electric range and refrigerator Must be reasonable ST I 15)8 60 ORD Gated 2 dr like new tow aJYsii aU extr)l Mobile true lor your protection State ap proved 835 home servlet ail properly licen ed and Insuref '59 THUNDERBIRD Hardtop By owner Low mileage Straght drive Eifa clean Will liedt 725 0058 or 767 2283 DAVIDSON Office Machin Service Allen Cash Registers A Adding Ma chines lawn Cigarette A Candy Ven dors Sales repairs oftice machines ah reqitters 2QjN iMain PA 4 4250 NIBLOCK TYPEWRITER ck 675 4th Elec) portabto typewriter Underwood Olivetti calculator adding and posting machine Sates Rentati PA uqi) BIG TRACTOR John Deere 720 with live PTO Moline UB die el spe cat Car op 4 live PfO armal 350 diesel Row Crop live PTO 77 Oliver dieei live PTO armel Allis Chalmers live PTO Lembach Machinery Co Highway 67 West at Old Town School 1949 MG TC top curtains etc cellent condition By owner $95000 Call North Wiikeboro 88 6032 SALVAGE SALES INC 120 Trade St Phone PA M2O7 GEORGES' MOBILE HOMES Hwy Ji 52 mile beyond Shoppinf Center (Patterson Ave Ext) PA 4 2126 RAWLEY AND APPERSON INC NEW LOCATION 5)4 CHERRY STREET OICE EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES REE PAARKING OR CUSTOMERS NON TIP Double Arm olding Chain 5 Strand Nylon Webbing W9J WANTED TO BUY We are In your privately gwned car If it I and well kept We pay highest cato price tor oood clean cars Stabler Mo tor Co 1031 North Liberty I One bedroom Real good con non WANTED Cleaned uned brick ued plumbing fixtures used lumber or any other salvage Call Bill Rn Rika Wrecking Co Inc PA 5 1789 choose from In and MAGNOLIAS SHRUBBERY sales yard I a Reynolds 1ICD Hret St Locally grown shrub bery if reasorsbto prices Open 6 day I to 6 PA 5 352! TOP PRICES PAID for good used eec trie ffrigerator and gat ranges Ornette suites and bedrcom pieces odas end No lol too large Groome urnUure Co 725 4141 50 BUICK Super 4door oremlum white1525 m' i0 n1'' PA NO CASH DOWN PAYMENT55 CHEV CPE ALL EXT $795 '55 CHEV PUP DEL CAR 595 HEMRICK 62? WAUGHf'N PA 72)3 196) LANCER 770 Swts Model auto matic transmission all extras white with red and while uphototery A title sell or trade WH 5 9840 CHATHAM ALL WOOL genuine Army blankets $6 Salvage Setos Inc 820 Trade SI Phona PA 2 8207 GO CART 6 HP Power products en gine lmp'x chaltonger rame I2X Phone ST 8 0695 'M IAT 1700) rallV c' an low mllea im 'M ort radio hater really iharp Com te '60 Jew ilallon Vraa on 105 Wirnlon Motor Inc 1017 Liberty St PA 7SU IM RENAULT DAUPHINE LI hl blu Good condition Low mlltaoa Era ronab a Ron Dickion VrA IPs altar 4 ltin SOA BED matchina chair nwly re uoholstarad In toasf tweed Lhe nw U00 else new living room den lur nlture Mede and aold br RarLeld ur nllure Co Open erenlnai III 700 SI I 4S3I WANTED Pulpwood timber timber lands Phone 643 4S3S Summerfield 7751 Kernersville SIAesd Pulpwood era TALTON MOTORS OR DEENDABLE USED CARS 134 MAIN PA 3 0521 POYL TYPEWRITER OR RENT AL OR PURCHASE NEW AND USED MACHINE RENTAL MAY APPLY ON PURCHASE ALSO ADD ING MACHINES AND CASH REGIS TERS YOUR ROYAL 7ACTOR? REPRESENTATIVE KELLY TYPE WRITER CO 410 VI OURTH ST DIAL PA 3 7373 RENAULT AND PEUGEOT SALES ANO SERVICE LEONARD WARNER INC 701 75 MARSHALL PA 3 7217 LICENSE 3725 DEALER 14 BORUM "Safari" with Jnhnsnn elect itarter Convertible too with sno to Window! makes up to iieeo 2 motor cover running light! new baltorv factory paint girl and boy Skil tow lines curnpas wim ladder life greerver anchor ski rlnq Cox tilt trailer with lights Self or trade on la'e model car Call after i PA 54757 $30 30 1931 A MODEL ORD country sedan good A model motor good body good tires good running condition Interior need work Price $300 PA 4 6612 Experience not necessary Integrity and desire Location lor display pool Small invenlmenl according to area '52 ORD Clan Ca1! PA 3 791 CHECK THE ADS TODAY for outstanding buys in REAL ESTATE Household Goods New and Used Cars Musical Instruments Mobile Homes Electrical Appliances Sewing Machines Guns Boats Porch or Lawn urniture Lawn Mower Electric an Air Conditioner Garden Tools Cameras orm Tractors and Tools Building Materials Pets Plants Seeds Antiques Motor cycles and Bicycles Trailers Office and Store Equipment Business Services Repair Service Business Opportunities Employment Desirable Rooms Apartments Homes and Vacation Places for Rent etc 12 Aluminum boat with 7W HP El 1 am motor 22 cl Rerrmaton Automatic 77 rft with power scope sr 4494 I AUSTIN HE AL Sal or trade 7 OR SAL Cart with 2 Cllnlon en oine a 2A0C NEW ROM LONE St AR 1 ft Tberi 0a5 Laustraka boat bark to bark seatj Ona oolv llinai Boat 4 JAR'or Sa'ea 2T45 Wauohfown SI ST 1962 MORRIS 1000 2 door st dan bleu with rad leather Inferior Alula wain radio seal balti low mil age 5 MS PA 5 4537 or aee al 2440 Ptynolda Rd alter 5 pm WE WILL BUY vour lar If It la well last If you're Inlaretleo selling lor cash see Allied Motors 140 Waughtown SI pa 3 mi In PAY bmhest wires for iale" rnodtl wrecked and burned automobiles Par ker Used Aulo Parts Thomasville Rd Phona ST I 4131 '12 04 PEUGEOT 4 door turquoise RLH lighter and windshield washer 295 fash or best offer Will fake part cash end dtcounl deed ot trust for balance Private owner Must sell PA 47116 Niqhfs dveekxnds PA 3 7535 A I 1958 4 door hardtop Buick Limiled full power including seat end window All a rrswtos $1395 Cash or hJ for deed ol trust cellent condition ST 8 2351 Exto Ill GOOD 1953 Dodge excellent condition $250 Call PA 2 9844 LOOK1 flm fz Ci bitIuuHI whfi't you can buy a mobile home al Wm NE196? CHEVROLET Super port coupe bto trampnrtation mileage black Interior 4 speed push burton dio 2 oeed wiper 8 washer positive Inaction axle while tide wall tire Tur bofiri 409 engine bucket seals padded daih passenger luijtance br special wheel coven and toe mold ing insert front ual compart men! special plates with 4 reed trans million two 4 barrtl carburetors per manent antifreeze Lil price $3741 Hot rodrtori come on and get it var flen Motors 814 Libt ty St PA a 5804 SHRUBBERY town seeding grading ce ment driveway walks Dunn Co PA 4 6530 ODELL MATTHEWS MOTORS (Plymouth Valiant tot) 607 638 4th $1 PA 3 7555 PA 3 0344 ONE 20 HP portable steam engine with poller In excellent condition 725 716? NEW AND USED Lawn Parti and a ceesbr ci Also complete servlet deot Peddytoro tautoment Co Ma'n St Extn Ksrnerivllto Phone 993 2711 60 IAT $495 59 iat $350 54 Metro politan $395 '57 Chevrolet "6" $695 '56 ord $350 '55 Dodge converhb $375 '49 Olds $75 945 4313 CHROM TRAILER hitches for ell car Also equalizer hitches Muncy's 24 Woudhtown PA 3 5347 '57 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4 dr straight drive radio healer solid black power pak motor extra clean Original paintetc SL050 Garvey's Auto Sa'es 1014 Liberty St PA 1753 BUICK CONVERTIBLE ira shade automate transmission 8 7 WW continental Ht $150 1 Rd PA 5 7413 '58 IMtoALA Convertible ully equipped good condition scrifice $895 Phone 767 0183 TRAILER 2 bedroom Drastic cut Mutt tll $20 30 ST I 6287 after 6 pm LOOK! 1 SPEf King hand operated mimeo graphing machine Retail for $19995 Our going out of business a price 85000a Winston Jewelry A Loan com pany 311 Mato WANTED Pine posts Inquire about rze A lengths Sherwood Treating Co PA 8572 NEW 'kwo" Mark )t Austin H8eys snd the ail new Trlumoh TR 4 wah roll up windows Now an dtiptoy Neel Mo tori 1056 Burka St PA 2 5J97 '41 BUICK fair condihon 0 Call 993 2892 after 5 30 0 in MERCEDES BN7 190 DIESEL APPROX 8 MONTHS OLD CON SIDERABLE SAVINGS ROM ORIG INAL COST NOW ON SALE AT PIDMONT MOTOR SALES INC PA11RSON AVE EXT BET 1ER HURRYI BU1LER ENIERPRISk 2'20 Sunnyside Ave PA Pit tr burgh Pa Toledo Ohio Albany Richmond Va DO I Endicott Union 19S7 BUICK SPECIAL Kloor aedan 8 power st ering automatic tranj misnon $725 PA 5 6840 USED RESTAURANT QUIPJMNT Counters grill cash register cor borne tor and fountain booths 5 Ion conditioner Aptm size qas range com fans Etc lynn A22634 1 Re NON TIP Ol DING CHAISE old Hat five position adjustable Sx Shand Nylon Webbing $1800 NOT A CLEARANCE Not a rkre out lust good buys for every one Many fine new spinels in all Lnishei Values uo to 179500 All priced at $495 each no dawn payment Jrt payment September Several fine Including som fine chord organs and large organ with discounts a much as thirty per cent Come in call or wrile 36 month lo pay Starling Plana Co 600 Broad SI Phone 722 8169 PISTOL 1661 Smith 22 first rim fre No Kentucky Pfle and Ithaca Calendar Clok all excellent condition $30000 924 2012 Old Town after 5 pm 1 '59 DODGE CORNETTE auto malic Irarsmillion low mlleaflt $995 ST 8 8623 POTTflD Cushion mums retunto bav ket of gold scarlet sage geranium African vlotots tomato plant Sam 5)3 Northampton Dr 767 3322 NUTRI SOL Grow anything better than anvlnlnq ill Cycle Center 124 Marshall SI 2 BAJ PRESS Cameras 4x5 Going out I of Business price $49 95 Winston Jewel fy 4 Loart Co 311 Min BEACH LOAT Multi colored rubber ized canvas 60 Inches 28 Inches $5 95 I Savage Setos Inc 820 Trade St Phone PA 2 8207 PORTABLE and standard typewriters Our qotog out qf business price: $to 95 Winston Jewelry A Loen Company 311 BOATS 100 to choose Hom priced and uo One of the largest stack of Manne Supplies in ihe South Biq discount Sheppard Motor Supply Co 2401 Mato SI High omt RMINGTON 30 06 Semi automatic rifle Like new New Winchester 270 Caliber rHte ST 1250 Enure Investmen! 1s rptiirnshle nased nn performaiii is not interested in your r0 wants the right RMBI ER wagon dr ona own ir io navar on Solid IV a naw RaktHraw Motor PUar on A a 3323 DO POOLS RANKLIN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Garden City 1961 DELUXE Runabout 15 ft 40 motor breakdown tra tor PA 4 1687 after 5 JAGUAR 4 door excellent me chanical condition ocxxl tire fnr nnf ioh $300 PA 50138 i TRUCK HEADQUARTERS Bargain tn new and used trucks GMC Truck A Coach Div Winston Salem actory Branch 3731 Patterion Ave £xtn Phone PA 4 0528 local 1953 ord 2 door hard top Monthly payments PA USED URNITURE end appliance fall PA 3 1138 3 PIECE PORCH Set 4995 Ato Iradt fornythlng Walker urniture Store 139 Mato St PA 0565 WE HAVE 4 trailers 2 used and 62 model Will sell or trade tor any thing you have to offer Parkview Trail er Park ST 8 178) Hwy )53 East LOOK! LOOK! We are authorized dealer for 'Windsor Trailers' One of the best and most beautiful trailers to come to Winston Sxtom Come for yourself (10) different make of new trailers to picx from Siartinq price for (I 35 f4) $2750 and starting price for (10 ft wide) and uo to 60 ft Jong $3110 All new iraller Include automatic wavher free Also several used traitors lust $25 and $25 per wk Mver Trading Post Inc 27)8 Liberty St PA 5 2393 night PA 2 5688 HEADQUARTERS for camping trailers and travel trailers Larrabee Traitor Sales Hwv 158 West lust beyond Shet Barbecue Dial 766 6716 License 520 Deader Your Profit 5800 per pool 56 INTERNATIONAL 3 to 4 yard dump 'W international panel low mileage Ciean '57 Chevrolet 4 dr station wagon cheaoz '60 Lark 2 dr hardtoo over drive '57 Chevrolet pick up enira clean 56 fhrvrotot tandem with lift body International Harvester 440 Weughlown St PA 4 554 BLACK OLDS convertible Low mile ae Excellent coodtoon Good lire PA MSI 7 PICK UP Ito Ion a reasonable price AA 4 1254 ASSUME LOAN on '31 ord alrlru 3 dr tr dr 6 cyl Low mileage rifi green PA 4 1505 Res PA 3 5006 or PA 3 638K 59 PONTIAC Bonneville 4 door hardtop white wail tires radio heater extra extra dean $2X195 John Hege Used Car Al Acadia School STI 5829 to? PONTIAC stwrehief 4 door locally owned while with red aelue trim In ferior radio 8 heater white wall pow er A brakes This car Is al mot new only 5 months old o'e nev er on around This car I Absolutely lia new noi a scratch any whet Auto Broker 00 Satom Ave PA 4 6078 MUST SELL beautiful while 51 Chevro toi Impaia convertible low mileage Power Hearing and brake automatic transmission $1 425 PA 2 3844 WM I5TTa7 oood condtion will Irade Call PA 2 5711 ONE OWNER '62 Dodge convertible Low mt'taqe Take payment ST 8 9724 OLDSMOBII 79) 4 door herd top Air conditioned low mileage $1995 PA 4 9553 COMPLETE STORE EQUIPMENT THE PURITY MARKET 313 MAIN STREET ALL EQUIPMENT IN EXCELLENT CONDITION COME INSPECT AND MAKE AN OER LOR WHAT YOU NEED PA 2 3406 Priced for quck tale COMPLETE DO gels you customers Na lionally advertised (ull paga Header's Digest March 19fi2 Swimming Pool Age New York Timesi Sales aids include: Weekly mailing program in your area beautiful color liter aline sent out weekly with your name imprinted advertising mats retail presentation hook lull color literature installation manual No competition Jio pools are patented 3 days installation Do it yourself cus tomers pool retails $1295 Your profit $5W) ship to job site No warehouse ing '58 CHEVROLET Irnola coup iraighl O'lvt fcia moior 3 larbuiatou Loal ctor black Bill Pltmmon Motor Cfl Lberty 51 PA 4 6842 OR CLAN ued car best posable price Hometown Ponhec Buitx Inc Krnervllle Phone 993 2111 "Big Vaiuo In Small Town OR SALEHot "A roadiler mounted on '40 ord frame bfldv under crime Pxul Brown Wilknboro Ph 8 la 6828 59 MORRIS MINOR (economy car) low mileage cU ST 1 9681 VOLKSWAGEN Ague green low mlleaQ PA 2 7215 31 A MODEL count tor a'e PA 2 NICE ORD will jtcep) rMjonablt PA 2 1576 WHITE '51 Imoele Perfect condition Ex tra nite big motor $1100 or lade Cheaoer cr PA 5 3241 WE HAVE NEED of several clean tote model cer II you would consider ell ing see or call low Motors 521 Broad al 6lh St PA 3 0232 GOOD USED CAR ot my equity In 4 rom house at 2017 Bloom or win sell for $1000 down 993 2977 Trailers tor Sale OR RENT Refrigerator washer jtoves Heath' Appliance Rental Phone PA 5 7463 HOT POINT dow fan twin hed hradboard clothes lack small fable aw boy' ig aw bench grinder Also baby binette car bed high chair carriage solder sexto sterilizer and bottles Cell 7938 SOA BED 7 toecMonal 2 arm Chairs all IS each table $1 each lamp $1 Llactrie Ironnr $22 electric roaster $)6 Kenmore automatic wash er 8 I960 City Directory IT Drum and case excellent $25 PA 4 NAVY LACE DRESS blue linen dressuit size very reasonable ST I 7330 WEDDING GOWN Taffet Alencon to appliques court trato Aitor 6 pm PA 3 9502 )96l MODEL 601 ord 150 ord IN ord and erguson and 30' Mow er reck and baton New and used Piednsoht arm I Industrial Eqmo menl Satoi PA 3 73U Pellerson Aye ienlgn I960 MODEL OJO Tractor and "JO" trai tor A John Deere combine 1 wo CA tractor Two "H4 rmil One 66 New Holland baler New Idea 1 2 A spreader Three AC combine In excellent condition Oto ord Combine Hauser Joyce Imole menl Co Liberty St pa 2 1016 USLO CUB Super A and armnH 110 and John Deere ords er ouson 20 30 and Masur Harris 22 and Ponv Alli Chalmers John Orer crater with dozer blade lelnnaen Ma chinery Co qhwa west al Did Town School U5D COMBINE John Deefr ad AHU Chalmer and 6 Le nbath Ma thinery Hidhwav West al Oto lown School Gsf ABC HVM farmall International 240 John Deere with blade and winch AU in A conditon orsyth Stoke Tractor Company J40 Gienn Ave PA 1156 TOMATOES Late crop plant now Pe lunlai carnatons cushion mums Ian tan 2119 Queen PA 7 Sporting Goods and Guns UPRIGHT PIANO Excellent condition nice for home or church 7 25 PA 4 4062 CONN ORGANS Eav term Home church model Tree parking Salem Music Co corner West irst at Haw thorne PA 5 5426 Wrarlng Apparrl 5 HINT I rr bad lumo al Call 31 aiway Or BEDROOM Sultu porch min oorch lounge Qiantoo taple chair sofas 1a bto Bargain PA 2 9890 Machinery and Tools DANISH STYLE CHAIRS with foam it versible cushion In cartons for easy assembly Special $19 95 Sosnlvto ur niture air 4i) wauqhtown Open Mon day and riday mle 'HI 9 A bTrze rk chair rocker 2 end $100 ST 8 1093 YE BUY qood ud furniture: small wood stoves bedrwn ute dmelle $uite Call 725 414) Autos and Truck? for Sale RERIGERATOR and range bargains We have fust reconditioned 9 So they look new end are guaranteed Easy lermsv See Clinard Corner Mam and Second BABY Malhese push town mow er doubto box springs maitrts win dow tan 2 piece DanUh sectional sofa Single meoie bed 2 wrought koft chair PA 1370 CARPETS clean easier with the Blue Lustre Electric Shempooer only per day Pleasant's Hardware 29 72 AIR MATTRESS Rubberized can ves combination of yellow and blue $4 65 Salvage Sales Inc 92C Trade St Phone PA 2 8207 CAMPING TRAILER $450 00 If Glaspar Seator ooat motor A trailer Call RO 6 684) ift Shop.

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Views: 5920

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (42 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.