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Aulomol ve TRIM LINE MECHANIC Eaprrxtd if) wtr tttkt, 9004 PtXKy'urit lor moi.vatad 11 Unwnttffd hourt tatm LIGHT LINE MECHANIC GM tipritnct rrrrPd Apply hi pftoflto JotktMtn SrvctMtftagr PONTUC-GMC US $. Ctfrwtir AUTOMOTIVE Ottdtr rt4v prion Soma mttvrMJ HPMrXI I rttrrri Mull havt tWf drvr ctw M4KX Crpoct'n Good btn-Automotiv BUICK Um4 cor mrhonc KioH App? prw AuWnoltvt IYRONEI tlRLfftlWl COUNTER PEDSON-lor orowtno now car daplaf. El-pononcf pretarrrd JJ44 AVON Ern roa monav Sat wan aa'" wtrt Cost Ht Vt BaBvSiITCR lul lna and Liva nt IM watt to ata a apoKams NANNYT'ME wc SJii BABvSiTTER HOuSEiEtPf toT) ttwdrtn NE noma Matura. non-imotr Mon -Fn lam-apm Rat 4 ornnoatut ivto rao, ors BABVSlTTfR HOuStitEPER widan. our Psnwat Pt raa noma For ntwborn 4 ottr wnoot cro tor yr I Ntfd trant, II ft (17 ItfS BABvSiTTER.
at our Noma only Sarnmta Hn Scnool vm BABvSiTTER Matura. ralrtncai raquod. my noma, days S4 0IIS BABvSiTTER ruoMt bwvo on (it, 10 Xtem I JCvjm, tu )UI BABVSITTIR PrtKl orandprant wanitd 10 waKti vnaa cMOrtn I moi 4 I oil, noma Dt tM BAtCR Cool. Mn rtad aipr Lata tvantfvj orh nri Ha 07l BAiFRy-S' Paia B.ach Eipri-amtd lain tvnp Parmtnant SM lS) BANK BOOKKEEPING CLERa mo.Oual arw Bam Boo kvafxng aiparwnra naadad tor CRT 4 cnrl rocaiimg raal Mult nova CRT 4 caKuujior tt Atlv to moa dtwdtnai Apptv prion Soumaaii Bam Ml Wall ti Dr. Lro EOE BANK (vw OoaorurHlwl 1M lor EAHIRltNllU lanri Our roma bank naadl cullomr wnl-Od rolatuonai atarvvjuan to 'A full time teller 4 I PEAl TiME TFllER oot'iorn Bam Fiorda nt Mm 'Shan St Prwvburg.
1 EOt BAN lNG Cat Foi rtorari JOB HOTLINE tor mb -normain Wl ll EOE Btnling COMMERCIAL LOAN PROCESSOR VMfcviduoi wm rr.Aimum 2 ytrt ti prwnct in Cotrvmrriai contiruc Ixm loon documtntaiton. typmg tkwt St wpm, tiprtnttd mirtti cKu iattont. tnvjrpnct 4 gnr ttdor on- tfttt Workmg knowtvoet ot computr opro'sotn 4 word procntng do-ttftd EicoMftt cornrrHAco'sOn Ut ticttont bnrit Appiv prton Soumtoti Bv Ml vVttt Bay toe Banking INSTALMENT LOAN CLERK IndtvwJuot wm pttviotrt tiPTintct In mtiaimr-t Loan Opraitont prtttrrtd Ba(krind crtdii tnvttiiNitont httptm Oood IvPHv I CAT rtoutrtd PntM Park kxafw Apoty prton Sou'htait Bom. Ml Wtt' Bay 0 BANKING OPPORTUNITIES Wt rt rtcrutitng (rtr orttnitd 9foPont tow Our SOUTHEAST TELLER TEAM Your rawrdl lor ma wmmng ttam wit ba SALARV COMMENSURATE WITH EXPERIENCE ADVANCEMENT OPPORTUNITIES FLEXIBLE BENEFIT PROGRAMS EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS ilnirnat 4 Coatoa Lavatl FLEXIBLE SCHEDULES WITH NO SATURDAY HOURS (Paah Ttfna Houri Avaiiabtal 'CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Apptv tn prion SOUTHEAST BANK 0I Wal Blr Or. Ll'90 60S BANQUET SET-UP Eipritnct prrrrHl Fktupit hourt.
luH limt thrft Wttktndt mrtudad Good work hobiit aiinudt Appiv M-F al prtonntt. Tradtwrndt Hotti, SiVJO Out B'vd, pk'l tOE BAR BACKUTILITY Vriout bavraot dutiav including stocking 4 waning ot al railaurantl Flanbia hours Apptv Mon-Frl al pr-tonnat. Tradtwmdt Mow StOO Gull Bivd, St Ptitrvburg Btacn EOE BARBER HAIR StVLIST naadad tor unioua naw tnop on Part Bivd Mult do or mi. good orctntaoa CaH 391 IS days, SH 57" nfhlt wfaHnds, BARBE INSTRUCTOR Oiratlor, MF, lor barbr ilyling coilaga Mull nava barbr initrucir lie Ei-par a mull Salary nag w'fringt ban-filt. For appt Ct St 047 Apply in prion B'ttv't Tavrn, cornr ot Bat- enr uvnartpn, largo BARMAIDS BARTENDERS Salary plut IDs No aiorianct nrtliary Apptv in Prion al ABC L'quori S)S im Slraal SI Ptlt S0l Biy Pinal Bivd, St Pt'l SaRn hano- iinr with hriai.
hard worhr with ralrtncai, Mon-Fri, 4 Mam-Noon Own car, S4I-737I BAR TENDER-Cocktail Wtilrtis Apply In prion Arigaio Veik Houia, 300 40th SI BARTENDER FuH lima Moonujhl Lounga JJI SM7 BARTENDER Mult hava ratrtnen 4 ba bondabtt Aoplv in prion al Hotinggr't Eint Foo-i 4 Spfilt. 731 tndun Rockt I ot Wnl Bay Dr. IWMir t'tMi. 894-1141 490-lst Ave. S.
St. Petersburg, FL 33701 Iu'inmA v-n i VI tie (va engnorH) mir OAud cet 1 4 li) D's ORAffsPf RvSl Iwrlh Ciwlf Hv4 rs 4 survey tern ieet I I wi eter cvn rettMa treehafti witrng w-lh tk on m.ujr uuca aw bywi '1 THs ORAI TSPtRSLIN Rf SE ARC Mt te aitate aaraswi tvm LVtw rini rap ot report eiMft limetv hii rever.n and maa wort Muit rtt wet be wan ted and w.vttwavutv Let 1.7 IMJ OR'Vt Cwen raioro tor wit yrs (haulWi. raa if OITO Avf l) DRIVER OiLIVlRV ortt nwsi have thautWi TO) U'eenwuod. 411 tl DHIV1R DELIVERY fr lovgt tMMd tornMAy ILvmt 90m ir tobjMy rot Coud pat and rwtt ft thiJ aWvtrap rrvfM IV tn fci il'iyW' Mn trn Cirrfd owr i ttroum atKt found Oranpt aWtkvn (atffrAgl (v DB .6 Hi kt Crtm buik 6ood rpiaigj UdrJ Morn Vu ott vrt iimrftgt )JI Uaj Oit'at Gt JtwvrVty tor rwtt i4um tooat a tAAit OiViO ttOI iJUd 0 on rH wipm on ontrnfint rut.wjno tu'ot vviMU'e 40 Mutt Mt ilMft tjr.trv ni 4 guud a'tttu $wm, oh kptt mi itw VV, let'i UWivH HixitrtujA I I PI du a WM Bl Htn-dTHf Hor 7101 Avf 0 I (mnr oitrtHH taif rilBtdr van pMt rluik (Of Putt. tOufopr tfrrmt tpf pt tbMn HeohaooRir! 4 r-wr Hn ornmMin N4 tr tVit tat wi it mar wo-" (vfiitl im wi fw iracit.
Mon nvy In H' HI PNiVfN Tanovm 6v0 t'utk Trw Wsm Con- A tornot vt Panl hot, mt'' i tor a kM oritrt I iiy-' wowtumi tw adkirntrnrM iountr iMmi rr Anrv prton Of DttivrR Arrwt 4 Ciim'-jn Ch nem bfntf.tt Arorn Rtm h) Ow" Jt 4l' ORtvf AANtrtOuS! Lumfir vrd trpu raa Guod dv fword Sih 4tM DRivtRS ftaK Ian Cwn rw rrd (a yj DR'VERS Bf iaiEiwiia Wi t. tM rt PfitWIi WWking io rtr (uadr rrt taftiaiitw roukrt Hnaia. Coiyfy vW ti itant pav, bnri 4 Nam ad rKtmri apportiitt twanoj in trtr 4 in ItHuril Vou mutt ba f) rt rd ontr Mat I rt t-prnca tivne Ha a vand Ekyoda chTftttuct xfw ha an tttr-mt ritnnt rrrd 4 pmi a crnewny prtai drug tirtri Atrv prtn 1 tvoo 4 u. Pvw Pr- 4pm EOt DRIVERS r00SfHD fior hiMTwid dnvrt km 4 wattat appi 0W DK'Vt RS lotk moiPf ictvetri FiPTttwrj mtntt s4 UH DRIVERS long d'tl houlfhold tuuen tip rv top mv cw''! CO Hat PAertort MARANAlHA VAN llNf tVi DHivE RS PT mrttangr trtrat km i cwn mi dnvrt Itttrt itt moOft fTtt It 4 kiiowiMg ot Bay rtf 13f f'M DRiVl RS Tawkrm Dsjm Tnk por oMv 1 Orwatn am Spm DRiVl RS own tr int mmd iltrMnfft 1 I J4 tf -V 9 Ping. J7J0 Btf "DRIVERS vntoev CA I PS VOU IMMI CHAItt V' flEHBtE HOURS "All SMUTS Bt VOtlR OWN BcTSS'CASH OAU OtVNEROPI LI AM Ay APPV Al CI IIM 51 DRV ClCAM RS Preiir Iw utwty and vtwiv eprnced CH ")'l DRY CLE AMIRS PrOltr WW Hat aa (rvliiAnad Aaratww arton tut prt ttw sh mi OR CUANINC.
PlESSfR tiarwnred restr wentevj lul ler Ca 7 gH DRV CltANINC PRESSIR tVe neve one oarung lor a to euefc drv ctMrwng restr Orw) oa tr good wort Aootv in prion 10 M. uleCleenrs, 7 With DRV (LEANING Srwt Pesvr wan! ad Fiprirtred tl Pavn Apptv 0u Beach Cwenrs Jt Pete Bee(h DRVAAll HAHI'TR TRAMI Mrhemr tt prt Hrpr 115 777t LlRVMAlL Spray nrp furenti reouaed Cal air Ipm, SH 1471 DlXT Mrhrwt 4 Mrprl No io rwc Brwt.il BCD Aa ConditMyung 1441 50 Mlgen Ave Ctwr tit 1115 ElECIRICAl APPRENTICE Itrn a tradt Mutl bt mrnarManv MMwd pttytMatf aow ad tg rttwvt vrarr EOt Apply tn prton ids iHxvm Rd Cnmr Electrical istimator mov dritr work rtttut rni.r-g prpit 4 bt tiprirtid tWrnian tijprvitor Ortat ooportiintlv RttMv Boi MNt4 Ottlititd Si Pflt Tmwt, -rVbvrt, 3311 ElECTRii-ai jouRnE YM( Crd crrymt wv Oood pav pood bnTtlt tiaadv wort O'rat nb tv tht amb ltout 371 0010 ElfClRlCAL JOurntvman 4 rp Htttwil Mtdrtiv work cyn4tilivt par 4 orT''t IS) LE'tRKAl If St OPf RAfi)RS Hfi lpeieK 'HUrfd Vd thi'l 17 4am Apply EnwfPifnt Curp. 10 Trmin Dt South. S' P't 1.1 Tfllf Al WAREnOtJ.f Prton Mull hart krJi o4 ma iriatt Sf I40Q tt CTRltlAN fiPT tor p(kasng mrhtntt Own looH S44 Vi flKTRlClAN Wrwman im Art SO 444 I4JJ ClECTRlClAN Journayman tor iwt'n wing, t'vady, 44 1470 nrCTRlClANS 4 Hrort rsrVrJ Apf.ly HS PirW'at Pr fl CCTRlCiANS JOIlRNf rMl 'M Ej Ct fn JO tUftTRlClANS MaMw 4 Appfrn Ift T70 or SIS Qt rLEfTRifiANS Srvica Rpitdrtliai 4 Mum lartuiy Eiprimad and Bnrt.tt Top watftn Apply Prt Ewrlru, El Aw, Plm Mr Dor 4 I4SI Fl f(. IRONIC ASVtWBifR fiitfiBrwad in ak prvatrt ol KB ttrriwy Mtn lyr trpr Apptv ptnon at UM 4d Lt'iW ElfCTROhlC Tf HNiC iAN 17 yr wd lrm tft -urtt cart.lnvj My 4 mobtit pVrrt rwia)iror 3 tPT mm 1 14 am Ipm EIECTRONICS ENGINEER Fait gr'wng htgn larh marjiarliirtr ol gat oriion touprnr.i o'f Eir ironic i E'iirtnr wh al laai' 3 yeart flvprianra ttifl Ha't r-rnjit dniign 4 dvKimtnt 4 a BS EF armlianiy wih mirroprr titor Circuit rttugn, impiarrstntaiion 4 to" wif datirarip Rrtponttbiiitifi tn cluda naw product ctai'wn.
ttil lr 'urat 4 pronKturin oWiHtofntvit 4 itihmcai taiat ti.pport Saary romnttnttjrait wtih irritva 'nd rtvjma to Smndynt Inc I7MS Star kv Rd. Suit it'VU. Fl 34441 Alln rVf Winrl EMPiOyMENT llr ipt.l No laa I rn an prt i SUN PERVNNI 441 J44 MPlOMC Nt founiwor H7k Ettbi agtnt wiU train rtriw rntndnd Ar uratt PffW'int' S44 )iJ4 High Irh firm ntrlMu prviior ot pfodiKii'jn t'tgiwiti if tn managt draltintf 4 mt', rt rdmntton Rctumtt It-try hit lory Pwt'ififi, airUid S', Qnimv, I. NCjINFTR Mrh flai.vjn ttSOM or a' potilrfffi tp rgrfjiiifno (tar Ptrionnot CNMNEf ft. TfiAfftr Planner Wd '0 Vior Wi pTjVttfM Aw'H liya yourig t'e-m Oriptiti4t ilfy SutKtil 'jt ril IPD Inc Bfjf I Ui A Fl OOS, 111 rV NtiRO'lWrNTAl SUPER IVOR Sjpartst houVireping innawa nufttny honw A(ii -r-i ptfton Bfiyt MrifiOf Mot.
MOO Pint V.Ciea'waitr (QUlPVfNT Oncrt'on fm.th nm loryraflnr ttaMlwriitl it(nf pipn lawn oipar higwr tifjn 1 2)00 44' S'ri 'v'r (RBAND PER'M National ro n0 offn0rrli i' 10 rijn trrandt Urn. Inr iv C1 'S' Ptt ifft, hiivt ilftli df'trtr 'rord and awt li d'tvor tiandro lrtntrr.itV0''l f.l 'IS SSSf fFCuTlvf U'Ut tHt M-jn prtd 'Xi wilt, mrrj Dfrjratt my Ct Trri, JW 711 ExfuTivf ffy thti'thafci a mutl Rfipofttibif fltyejfiiifuwfl Mutl bt tntrgftif 4 tail "1 tumt lo PAt Inr Alln 'ira, Mr.Mullri Bwlh Rd 01' J4Mf F'AftRifATOR, txr, ifti'i "iitp mani pnonii tapabtt ot T.ny intiafaiion ot r-'1'A'ji'C 4 olhar ir jfl S'6 41 1' ACTORY JOBS 14 to S'J" PF RMANI Nt I I 'IVI VBlT liR.rl I ABfPt O', 'VAINH r.ttjr WAR! 'rt I jt 5161411 CfJUi'f 'ft mpinynift I VUSluMt S4 Mliv I Ml I ktluae eorvwuitr atof ttea-ng mr i OiduAi W'lt maovai ba.tg.Ourd 41 i tetem iommunaiiont it.tt alt undr retture 1 rut I letem benr tl can I 4147 I CUTTER Eprmad Grmru Cut netru itariuta souks and ben ri eaikeee I oav wrk weak No om Aory si Pete Manuirtur i )ll in St N. S' Pt il) PANc IRS CREAMS Under naw ownruva Need oancrt oav 4 tutu i Aer 1441 1 US II L'W DANcERSFic hn gutt iwuti Awn Gtuyit lounge DANCERS 4 ruant smis trot lounge Mot tatn Si set ll.l DANCE RS lot FouAle-a Biut 4'titei Rd V)t 4)4) pm DANCIRS EiOTk wanted anna oujteN tor tame dance team I ai wni pay It enreswd egt 471 DANURS Wanted ORe lounge Pat nrit shi ine best Shuttw ta wrfc Noma HM sun Street N. i Peirtomg DARt ROOM TEChNilian E.ori rued wrfh trae Ntmet tm rata dseet inowwoae ot irae camrai jorrwrn cotar reruvg 4 cenioct-j aw ottetow Pteave aaotv send ra I tume tt Rend M.Neav 4 Ca 7m Si Si Pete II U'I4 I no pmchie I DATA Entry U) tev prm pui.tkjA Greet (O 4 oav Ne Fee S7g 711 COMPUltRtniOPlI Agentil DATA ENTRY fJO AAA EMPtOSMINT 417 7011 DAI A ENTRY 4dQpm nudrughl 14 WPM Good benr.li aa Cwrweir hx appt. 441 741) DATA ENTRY CLERK iprwnre A 4 tvmg 0dsmr grea ie Pa'.
I) 4MI DATA ENTRY ClTRiS Too oavg a.vgr. Aval now'Tema Crers )7 144 Ne tee tmetoyrrvml DATA EN1RV CRT I. or genral ont ms 14 so ts la a)jg i igtn Ave rro stt mi bfwew 1 1 DAI A ENlRY Cusiomr Srl tv last erad orhca Mat coctwv to. t'wn Gwad pay Etceaent brt'ts Apwv nt 4a rcaa 4,71041 Paia EN'RV vou Dve compuirs amov trwty and catur wrt envarvnenl you can I altrd ta rvust this apptv' Ti AUtO IHAUit rwh on rgnxMl itiuai to prtorm 6t pmry and antwr Phrtt H. tit DATA ENTRY OPERATOR fr Ldt iVtwrvt co 4 i dav wrk wan Slot t4WouiOtjtpp pHa'tom mM ut voy rakimt SiiS tam VtrtT Nor rVrt4v, JJW Data entry ovraiwt ibhrt 4wnt trm tttitjftt avn Pwwn count raa Ho In Pi4 At(y Wt SH RN MPORAiV Tantprr Mfp irv-tt DATA ENTRY TRAINEE NO Fit actarvl 0 tev opprlun.lt tor Oe'l Entry Opratr wm I monms apri-ence lern wtiae vou arn Strt en tvwdtetrv Col Sue kadov al 571 Till COMPUTERPEOPLE Itrnptwrv SrvKtt Ptn DATA INPUT OPE ftAluR Oowntown omct nttcft prton with 17 yrt mpul tiprtnct Rrtuirtt 4) VVPM lyping 14 tfy Wuih invmrJ oprrvg fumwM ctynMny pay twnr-n Snd rttum, to PO Boi 1)0M Prrtburf, Fig Wi) 0039 OATA PROCESSING iptndng computr dtwi iwioortr putwthng co otrt crtr oppty to through knowirJot ol IBM Sirttm 3 rtoi hourt davt tf tn ci tgo hh.
tn DAYS INN NOW HIRING Ful 4 Prt-ttme nouseteeors Aootv in prion, JH) Utmrton Rued. Ctwtr btCORAIOR trainee ooolv lor Somoana good cotr coroVwIion Bay Prsonnr 5)) SAM OllSll MtLIIANH. Heavy tttuewrvrvi Musi twve awn toon 4 iipran Cat 541 )55l DELI CltRl (P retried ms van Appty Jll) Tim St Pete DELI HElP eprwrireJ, rmd countf axel I k) 55 1071 SJO DELI DELI MANAGER or rwc Com pony brttt. Aaotv tc Cnotre Food Sire, 7)75 utmrton Rd Foam sound Soure. Cteorweir fc QE OFltVERy DRIVERS Oood duving rocrd.
some ktlmg. ktrn busettsi Irgo ret, 444 OM) OlLlvfRy HELP wanted ft Pf Appry arson. Hungry Howw 4775 Mm St St Pet OELlVFRy or ion 4(71 Chanteltjr Jl NE Pee DEltvERy 4 PARTS INVENTORY I EON AIR COND 4 HE A UNO lilt Ittti St St Pete )7I 5)5) DELIVERY 4 MART HOUSE Must nave chauffeurs kcense. ft wni brvrliH Hal I71N Staraet Rd trgo DtNTAI RECEPTIONIST 1)00 WK Frvrndty prson. denial eip not reo AARON PERSONNEL fl-ltM Ol SK CI HK ipr oetttndaote.
matixa III Cases Mclor Inr. 411 )4th Jl DESK ClFRK prwnce with MICROS Apply at Cotoroat Oalewev krei. 1100 Cult Btvd SI Pete Seech DIE MAkCR 7Autl be eiprwnrad with iter ruta. III shitt irnmectii Opening Downtown Ciwii 4) 75V4 DIETARY AIDE COOK. Full and Parttimt iptntnrt rrrrtd but not nrrtttrv Aoptv pr on own Nur ung US I Outl BtviJ, Pftrtbyr.
fttath DIETARY AiDt COOK full and Parttimt ypantnet rttrrad but nol nrttvrv Apptv prton Crown Nurtmg. V3SI Out Bivd, Prrtbuf. Bach DIIARy AIM (Part Time) 440pmlfcm NI WAOf Al Brwtttt avatiabtf Ca or apptv prton Bav Trap Nu wng Crtir 700 HttfMondt B'vd Patm Harbor, Fl IS S4M Glf TARY Atdt Part tin fn. Sal 4 Sun iam 7pm Apply WMfiH Nufiinu Homt StOI 3ltt Si S. Si Ptlt Oif TARY Cook Atmtantt'Aidtt Prtviout tip dttirabW Appty ptrton THE ABfJE 1 NURSING CTR 7101 fth EOt DINING ROOM STAFF Hnm acrtPtmg aptux aitont tor PER Off NDABlE 4 HlOHl MOTIVATfO iwtonnai Hotimav Hotit.
vVaiirt'yVa'irtttat. Attt Wii rt'Waiirttttt, Bit Hr tont. Br ttrwlrt, Cocktail Srvrt Rtf rao Sjittiv Harbor Spa 4 iiunt Cwir, IDS Norm Bavthort B'd. Salfty Harbor, Fl Contact Ovnr Bruno in prion, 9-llam 4 7 4om only, Mon thru Eri E-Kfifrt' trripWymtnl t(rtv DINING ROOM SUPERVISOR An tiprWtvnd tiiptryltor it netdrJ lor 0r rwwvtl dining ftym Prtponti tlilt includt hiring and Irtmint) ot vrvKa prtonntt Mutt ti comtria bit working with rttrtd rJulit Oood farting wiry and bntitt AtxXy in prion Frttdom Sotitrt WO l-brty tr, Stm, fi Xkr MIL TRAIN No t.ptrrrxt nrttwr DISH MACHINE Evp prftrfrrj HS oraduatf, rt I itaMt trartp, naat apntaranrp. oood work iiabitt 4 atlllurla Apply at ptrtonrtfl.
Tradawirvtlt Holfl, SMO 1 OuM Btvd, St Ptlt B'h EQE 1 DlSHeVASHF R. Im rook vt'strv ll 1 iM'tt PtWWt IJWO Out fliy OiSHWASHFRS it IS Pr hour rrtH 4 unitorn-it Ptva-Jt Yacht 4 Country Ciut tlSHWASHER AfHiy aW'lon WINE CELl AR RE ST AURAN tW OuH BitJ, Rfdir8'or' 81' DISPATCHER 2lM Prtonality 4 ofttr trilK win trtt toir idfil rnowiarltfa ot Ptrwilai 4 Hilit Coufttv Slarl S44-I4SI SSW Prk Bud AAA employment DiSTRiftutOR VtiflT Warthouw locpfcirtg lor ET warnhoi.tt worMr. varirjgl rt'jlt, Cltarwttiwr Can Mary bat 461-ISM OCtY WORKERS vV'H unsoatj tfuffct (waring dortid aoodi Mutl caoabt ot contimjotjt ntaw lifting Appty at OoodwiH. GarwJy B'vrj, Pttt EOE 60ttfjR'S RtCP'f TPNrf 116.400 Element oop'v lo tnltr madtrai ttdl 1 WA Accurl PtfWflnti DOCTORS fJFriCf $200wk Will train lo attitl MO it you havt Mod ottrf.t tipr Ca" Jo Eatt Bav Drflargoi S31 im AAA fcMPtOYMENT 66MFST1C Hf 1P I rltan pfi-vait nomt, titadv work Slarl Now 4 St'vK Ml JHt URAf rfRCAf) fjpf FA TtjlV Mtrhaniral'ari'hiltcltjral, P'tviOut 1 CAD Irainmg or tprtnr.t rtoutriid Jtaht Snd rtvjmt lo Wtddtrvg 4 Alttv 340 rttriil Avt 'Uior, I SI Ptt. Fl 330 UWAI It WK 4 montht toritnre rtwurM DONbAR CQRP ir 4 LAtttNllAS 4 MtcPtlS Eaprwncod own wamportalwa 4 loots Brvfits, pawj va.
a'on 4 i F.ame 4 'raw lit beiwaen 1 1 CARPENTERS 4 HELPERS tiprwmeo Jt S7S CARPENTERS HELPERS MANY POSITIONS STEADY WORl Appty at tot sua Tata US II 10 Tampa Rd eail to Last SI George nrm to Rga Blvd. rvahl lo Woodland H.ai THE RENNER CORPORATION rm. to 744 tfttt CARPLN1ERS4 HELPERS Ontv ata. hrd wrtiwj Ftamrl need appy 471 lJt, AM noon Carpenters Meter 1 Tom 4 Ttanuvarieiw Staaov wrt South Prneaai raa Apatv at lob s.t ijooi A S. St lor R.t Ol Oil CARPENTIRS 4 HELPERS rttTMMItnno eipr Own looll 4 Irons Jlrt Invmedujlely X)l JStJ CARPENTERS Toots 4 Tranumla lux Neeoed.
Ptpenoaue sit 4jl CARPENTERS warned Vg and corraca owe toots ano traniprtaivM Apply Storvr 1 Throw IM) Jl Carpenters wanted sin an mmatety Sll Ttl Ot! Carpenters wanted toon 4 tram I must Col Nt 'IM CARPENTERS with reior.1 Cat bttween Ipm. SIS 471) CARPET CLEANING TEChNKIANS SJ00 StOO waattv Truck van raa No ep nressery. ww hi Sm root CARPET INSTALLER w.tti soma a prwnce CW E' t1 SN) 131 CARPET 4 NO WAX VINYL Insiatri istadv work 4 oood pav Tampa (ay eeg Col 44 Hot CARPET TrtmumnaaisMinymadi atatv Natvjnal company naaos 'S Ern SJ00 100 wtiv Paid tvavMWj Cat Mr Cash S3 l) Carpi 4 vinyl installers Good oav 4 wrtMf cent Mutt hove too 4 van Must ba rotetwwiei ALL OTHERS NEED NOT APPLY' IVJ Ulmrlon Rj CwW S77 flt CASHIER- muMl 1 dan leneMs Appry snei. ion 4 Roose.m CaShiER IIOOMIH Ifein, hendtr monav lor hnancujl 0M Afon Personnel 711 IHI CASHIER Attendanl srvice sinon Ful pen lava) Amoig, ll Siin i Cashier convenience store Al sMts SI Patrsburg 4 Lrao aea Cat ir wrvww JSW CASHIER COUNTER HELP Eie Ful lane Gregrv'i Fiame 4Voe 7t 4tn SI N. Apptv between 4PM Cashier Fur apptv prion PE ACHES RkCORBS SJ UJ CaShiER groceiv ttore apar Clr, Ut 7100 as Adam Cashier salad Fm pan im davs.
ne wtands Ep Appry at Orange Bmiom Latr.ng 770 4th CASHIER trtae ont powtton with nai ro owm oppr lunity 1170 Biy Prsonrvn SJt SsM Cashiers iiHnan Pita Saw Prea Roars Real Pn Br Out IHM Semnole Btvd SH Hit lltl lAlh Street, S44 te'l CATV Mietrt Euv Toon tvuct murence 4 FI r.vr Nt 44 1414 CERAMIC Tea lAactvtnct 4 Havrs Eprned Toon I S77 1101 CERAMIC TilE SETTERS HELPER wanted Eaeenence pretrrett Maao Ta. SIR 1177 Child ere mature acut era tv cMd my ttomp Srwir cittint nytt' kcome pr hour 4 lot) Church Cjiioo. 11 yjo 4 aicai beneliis NE SI Pale Couple may sure duiws Ce tot appt KS-imc CIRCUIT DESIGN ENGINEER At kftii I vtrt tpr ootoi or tnvot cvcuti fjngn and bcmMv to wort prtrrwoty tjntfi onatog Haqutt mm 0- IS tt A torn k-prvnory Utl hovt btwn rrmad kg hnd on titctrofwt Ennor tartw lit. bt Matrtotr at fcroBtntrtnt kgr a vrv toi4vtitawd company mvotvod vionit A tound tvtttmt Ir commrnai 1 prwatt aircraft Al pt Okg tn rt paid fry our cktnt company Wnd rttumtt to Vow Attocam. Cor'ti Road Mm Suit m.
fradtnion, fl UN or (ft ud Bdn at ID 771) CIRCULATION SALES Fr national eubtshr locaiad In Clerwetr Wn heto tncraasa saws AAi'Onaav ttuough reta outwti or desjreue. but wet tree fwt mottviiad people StSt. el 777 Cleaning PrRSONsman lemar too house Rer RH 1117 eves, Cleaning Pf rsonnel Fut lane amtwjymenl lor drtawng fma vrhts Top oav 4 benetitt ISLAND PACKET YACHTS 4J1 Mil Clerical Brni arson to antwr phone. bUmR 4 vrious othr duties lor smaa omce Should be good w.lh Itguret CH 77 l7 CLERICAL Entfv level. HS red type ww Irrn on computr.
iceeent company 14 hour Benetilt ALPHA PERSONNEL 44llll Clerical Entry Level Tvmg and lev swi 4 day wrt weel De-taiad rwmad tnsuranca rg Apply SJJ4 erh Street Norm CiFRiCal. Setretruji 4 Lmw dullrial The Great Amrican Tarn prry mttoymeM SarvKI SIS SH) Clerical. Srrrnat 4 Lni in duslrujl The Greet Amrican Tarn ClEBtttAL lop DoW. frtdav Pay, No ftt Cr pnont mutl CURK Conyrutnct Slort H-ghH 4 tvkndt Apply ffl) Tith $1 Ptff -Ittftk 4 QT'orv prvon lor ri tup-Pty tirt Ca" 'JJ Ir appt, CLERK DRV CLEANING Fut lima and prt Itmt Mutl bt nta' 4 drjrhtwitt Amxv In prton Put pyry Cttanrt IM CLERK Rtoutrtt 40 WPM Typmg, CRT and htavv cutiomr con act Our tmpioyMt tnnv tKtfltnl brt tt'it including a 4 1 day work wttk' Apply in ptton or ta lor an aopt -rWOHtf WESTPUN itU i 7 COPPORATlON 701 Highland Avt Laroo EPE MF CLERK Salt dypotit bo tiptntnet prttrrtd Orvrai oHtct. typing, cutiomr contact tipritnct rrtuirtd vVt ottr rcrfTtptiiiivt uirv and brt ttttl Pitatt apply lo Human Rt-tourttt Itpl, 100 7nd Avt South, (North Town Jrd Floor), St Ptirt-burg.
lirt ivVt win Ot ctottd WorvtWv, tpt7, IN') CEMUWANC A A KwSr Cat Company EqsJRl ppportunity Ernpioyor CLf Typist Downtown St Pale co needs Typist with stable work rrrd Mull lype SO WPM Free parking Immediate opening. Send reiume lo PO Bor )MM, SI Pete, FC.JJ7J3 BOM CLERK TYPIST Reouirei liwpm typmg and previous office dip or (raining CaH FvxwMj Fadrel. 571)317, fOE tLERK'TYPlST-Small insurance claims otlire Heavy typing plus olnr genral clriral dutwl Competitive salary Ct Martin, CLCRX TYPIST Wanted Apoty (ub-w Oetenderi CWicl, SJO 64H CLERK. UNIT, Iw 170 bed nursing nome Mull DO rganliad. varied Outlet, prelr eipr Pleasant surround trigs 4 benetitt Apptv St Plleriburg Meinodm Home, Inc IJI SI Avf S.
CLOSING AGENT Eoerienred for title company, 5)0 177 COCKtAIL Servri-EP Apply 1 )PM, Tuas Fn, Club S7' US It 5 COCKTAIL SERVERS lor SWEETHEARTS Fu 4 Pin lime 401 US It 5 Ciwf, 71-170) C6lD ROOM WORKER Heavy lill-ino, good brneiiii S75-IIOI lirm Is sr nt cerer minded lo participate our eioending Coaacliont Oeot Mull be knowtrtoeatile in at pneiei ot medtcel conectionl EOE Apply Mon Fri. lam 5pm or Send reiume to MEDIC ONE AMBULANCE SVC T70I Betcnr RO 0 Boi WI) largo FL, M4I COMMUNITY ASSOC MGR. 3-5 yrt tipr mull i nit momt ot condo aitor it'iont Lgt national mgmt co Can Sla JtaS lo arrant COnt'dtntiti tniryttw Companion- Earn up lo a day' wear 4 rHt Rni A Hand I MO I Companion tor proor titmon, tiWrtl, tu "mt Rr rpq JM 701 IN Frtt room 4 board, taitfy or tt- COMPUTFR DRAf TSPfRSON Httdt 4 Attoriaitt, Irvc hat an imrrtrjiait optmng tor a Compuitr Drtt'tortofl with mtnimum I yiri tiotritnct in turvtv and tM dtviH-opmtnl eompidaimnt Stnd rttumt to Danny I Potfc, Corrtpjitr Dtpf ViDtryilOf, Htidt 4 Attot Swam A.t, Ttmpt, fi, 3106 fcOE COMPUfF OPrR DATA tNTRf for tf.rounlifvg firm, familiar y.th IBM PCt Ad'aivrnrtt ow tiitett in rrotintirrg 4 otanntno titidl Srfl rttumt 10 Maw, Sfnatbrg 4 Co PA SO0I Wet. Ltrr-on SI Tampa, Fi 31409 BAM 1 1 Nut Nnit AMV I 'am. t'por Cioncy Ty.ona.
BAN TcNDt MS LINE COOIS WAITERS WAITRESSES Pri 4 tut lima poutiont aval tor pn-vatt ovwig club ER ralrrtd Apply prvon. Mon-Fri. Prasmanis Ckjb. 100 I'D Avt Soum, lb Nyw BEAUTICIAN- Eipnoncad Euti comm 4 opporlumly Jovaons Baain Sacn (al 47 (Il torn BELL PERSONS Includat vrioui ctaanrng Outwi Ea-arwnca rttrrod. tttitm tranieor-ian Naat apararania.
good wri nabiit 4 amtuoa Full hma nourttSun.Mon lam 4pm) tTlmrt Fn Sal mm MugMI Apply Mon-Fri at prsonnal Tradtwinds Hot" Ml Gu. i4. i Pan tOt BOAT lull Of Machanict sr Up 4 Croantrs 4 Datanri Top pav 4 banat.it Eo rot ISAANP PACltT VACHTJ jj) fill BOAT BUILDER Stock room atklnoanl Outws to tt-cluda iNppwg rrrving. til buang ttvaniorv comroi Inewiadga ol boal ports rttrrao IKAN0 PAClfT YACHTS, VW! BOAT BUILDERS Immediate Loading manutaclurr ol Htiurv vachrt onrs lop dotuy tor a tow pro-toiiMjnait at toNowmg nb caiagrioi TRIM CARPENTERS CABINET MAlERS FIBERGLASS FINISHERS MFCH ElEC PLUMBING MOLD REPAIRERS ARC WELDER Staaov ttourt Haanti dantai Ma rot a sfwjrmi 4 rorasiiva aav Aery a arson arty at our amptavmam ot IRWIN YACHT 1305549th ST No EOE (torwatr Fi 1JJ BOAT BUILDERS STEADY WORK1 Now your chnct lo torn ont tht wortd't motl ro-grttfvt kwdtng mtnutacturt ot Quality pooh rt curftntry Wg nVrruM our FlBEft OlASS Of PT ttPTotnct Iht toaowng root lay Suprvitor itwrtmg Srwltl Lovrwvorryt AM 4 PM Fm Forvthtn Ortoa-rt mvon Pamtr Eictarti corner Dtntit mtuding mtdnoi. drtiat Mt i 40IK Appry prton WELLCRAfT MARINE S7VJ TyVDi Avanut Tampa FL 1MII Proot Ol Woai raianct roomrad tot BOAT DETAILER ftot6 iront flwnt dtrr it looking kgr tiprncrJ Bo' OrtW fc tatrv and btnrtt Appty prton from fam io tprn togtmrtnt BOATYARD PERSONNEL OuaMiad attctricions.
macnamct. vr-iMinari 4 4tart Apptv in prion CHEAT AMERICAN BOATVARD IIWOuRort Bvd iBan.no Put So Pasodana) BOOV PAINT 4 uamsirv prions naadad tmmad mutl hava al wail tOvri fipr coa. ion wort, it 700 BOOV PERSON 4 Prntr- Produc ton t.p rao, SM 1101 BOOtlEEPE Compular anlry. inow A A iJ. bolls S2' BOOtlf Pf Euwrwncad Ir Proprtv Manaoamom hrm Mull bt tonvAr wim conoonwiNyn bookltap-vng compuW apr nalpiul Sand ra-una 4 tawt tttiory to FCM aim Prtonnol.
14)4 Emrr.t Rd. Sola Cwrwair, FL S4123 BOOKKEEPER Hal curga AR AP bag and pawol aiprwnca raa Ir Plyrnujlra; o-t Ml-Oltl BOO ll EPtR FULL CHARGE Downtown si Pott nrm naadl prson win opt-iuda ir numert 4 aprt-anca nvouan tr bronco an manual sat ol boots 1-1 tori irwwnt Stndraiumtla PO Boi INK SI Pair sbii. Fig t)li) KlX "BOOtlEEPER FULL CHARGE Oawtfvg butawil A downlown SI Prrvburg naadt prion with ac counting aiprwnca Data anlry and soma socrtiruj bad ground hatptul Eittiwnl6rwt.il CM 17! 11)1 lor inlrviaw appotnlmanl BOOH It Ptlt Ful chorea Mult ba aipriancad at compuiriitrj ocrounl mg Ivslam RaioonsM OccounH u.aoa Caa apply. SJ0 Mil S) I40IH An) Cworwglr BOOtlEEPER Full chargg rhrough hnonciai ilatmams Com putr aipr raqwrad Cn Vi VM BOOKKEEPER Inowwoga 01 0ab.it 4 craoitt ratrrad To apptv cal Forgnar 4 Ron PA IIJ9 BOOKKEEPER Mtdirart-Mtdtcaid kryrmitdot. com-puir tipnrKt hrptui Can tm Mary Nurttng Homo, III Jtckton 'ta iH-J5l BOOKKEEPER Plvrol 4 thru tr baiarca Apptv al I0S Ft Harrison, CM 44J -ltj BOOKKEEPERS TEMP JOBS Fipr Attt Ful enrga.
at Nal paid Accounlampl Agancy SH JTr? BOOKKEEPING CLERK Art vou ttwkrng tor a now cror op porlunilyf Our rtouniing dtpt nttdt fttporntbtt moitvairJ mdy to or -trm tntry Itvtt bookiwpfftg tunc-lnt Mutl bt tat' on 10-kty W0 fit. BUSPERSON Ful tima l30am-Nom and 4om-llpm Eiprianci pcrrrad. arlwiant. good altiiudt Apoty Mon-Fri al pr-lonnr, Tradawmdt Holr, SMO Gull t'vd. st Pttrscvg tm CABINET LAMlNATOR Naadad-Mutl hava at wait I var aiorwnca Ful company banatitl Appty in prion batwttn lam-lorn only Inlrni-tional PtaiiKt 4 Daiign.
7000 Bryan Dury Rd, Largo CABINET LamtnaW- NawOirrhoni. Sit into Automobile (iv, Ciw CABINET MAKE R- Eipr mica 4 narowoodi, rahatHo only ill CABINET Makr- tamoorary won atinmanl tor tnd shift Appty In or Spn (I Till Uimarton Ra, Ll'jo CABINET MAKERS Top pav 4 banatitl Eipr ISLAND PACKET YACHTS US Wl CABINET SHOP HELP WANTED Erprionct raqmrad Til CABINETS ALL PHASES Eiprwncad only Aooty in prion Ace Cabmen. IJISI ISrd St CaK Iw dlrtioni only SIS M9 CABINETS Eipritnrri hardwart Ptrton, mutt know all pnatat ol hardwart aopict- tn Ctn onn yiW Campaign Mall SAVE OUR SHORES Stop on snre drilling, torlc wlttt ool-lulion wFl PuWic Intrail Rastarch Group Wi" train list l)w Cm Pauia it ri tin CANVASSER- Epr Mutl navi car SIM hr, wk i1 CAR Waih-MaloFemale Ptiadana Car Wtm, Piiadrn Avi Souin CARBURETOR REBUII.OER FT Position, good paybanatilt 2 yn mln t.p SIS )J19, 1 Mm-Frl Frame 4 llnllh, vn lip Own tools 4 transport. SI4-J44! CARMEN TER-Frtming no trim Cal Pell iHr PM, 1H CaRPF NfER HELPER irgo bttad mtg company has opening lor individual with eipr nre in grwrtt carpentry Opoortunilv 10 learn and ad vance Cal Tammy at S4I-1STI lor appointment CARPENTER" HELPER-wanted, transportation 4 must CaH CARPENTER'S HELPER Enprlenced Treniporiiiion 1 mull (all llltr 6pm, J4-JI49 CARPENTER- Warned Mull hive commrcul lup CARPENTERS-Bart panel, metal 4 root tat We ottr 100 sruritv, bale pav w'bonui Group mad w.oentai 4 reunption card. I pd noiidavt 4 vacation pay Apply at 1014 US II So PALM HARBOR HOMES, INC Carpenters- eo trm croan- tri Cm lor mlormalion J7-JI CARPENTt RS FOR MOID SHOP Needi tbiiitv to lupervise imen rew S30 WI CARPENTERS, lorm Conilruclion laborri wiling 10 reuxall Eiprl-nced only Apply at Rowe 4 Newbrry 10b mt.
On Top ot tht World. SR 700, Octla Call lor tool Mon-Fri 4 ISI-W CARPENTERS Framan 4 Llborrs Trms 4 toon 4045 Hr torn Helper Wtnltd to Start immed Ul-iSII gsK for Ron CARPENTERS tvnprs and Itoorri needed immedilietv, Ilia Del Sol, Visit Verde ronilruclion site Pineutl Biy wiy, See Mite. 714-1411 I CARPENTERS 4 HELPERS Eem Bg Doiieri' Steady work, eilab lithtd comptny Benttitt Dr. LUMI-utt tt U-t NAtut! Fr ftnotet Coutty Mean Daori mam RewMntaao lr htyrv ma trhama back up 4 rastrata 4 em oenrai oaraiont I an! WANG vs lit) retried Saw isl UVJ hourly Conim JV Tiaowav ilili 17) oaji tit 714 PcmO SM 7 Ave la. Si Petri bur.
IX M'v1 tOt AA COMPuHR PROGRAMMIR ANALYST II Coord'htioi ir P.nauas County Harm Daortmenl Rasporeubtt tot manaaamen comoulr roramm oprauoA 4 ttttiommuriAaiioiH ervannr 4 deevrv at data r.m ng trvttet count WHle tWANG VS W0 Coboii Add.tdnr duiwt etude systems ew.H tmptrmenta lion 4 usr PawMva Maumum auatfi latwrn Batnair i dewrae with I yrs aiarwna total dim eipr. once ai computr tvtiemt anrvsis and computr roremmmg sauj rt range Settl) weetiv pus brvrhlt Conlrl Treowev 111)117) 0401 tit 7)4 Location PCHD SO0 7i Ave Se Si Petri bvl. FL Hroi toe. AA CluaPUTER sptujisi neMH Ir not smotetj OK apr Mt pt I OBtttt Ir smw comoutr consurttng Co Good bus brtgrovevd tit Fun wrt good oav tut art tana Rerv CO ot )I7. iajNjtt Hrbor HaiS CONCRETE hn-ihr 4 torm tattr III VI.
ce rvJon lOBKl CONCRE TE Fmnrt latorrt FY nnat IN. own tian) US tas CONCRETE Mason Frnnhr sueton tracir with room aod.tion epr Prm pevlWA True! 4 loott a mull NuRoom Crp. SH 1717 CONDOMINIUM PROPERTY MANAGE Musi hava condo lew 4 management aipr Outers re to wart with Alloc 'Ot'Oni attend meehngt 4 ettt wikh oav la OR liviiwl 7 vert rrwwnum LOU Dominium eter reauaed Sand it Vumt 4 iwirv luilrt la FCM. Attn Prsonnal. 7474 mrr.se Rd.
Stele Cterwatr. Fl CONSTRUCTION leboreis p.pe tgyrl I bacthot.ltpr only 7)4 4447 CONSTRUCTION OPERATORS 4 LABORERS wanted ipe'-enctd am need opart CM 04)4)04 be Iweon lam 4pm orty CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT the CSonatttaa Co. a an mnMtait optnmg tor Vjpt fciprirKtd Iramt ton ttruiWH tuo-Al growNl potpntt Souvv ronimaviwatt tipr tn Prd 4 Prwt'h. Snd rtwnt 4 tatrv twtiwv to tfJ Wttowod Ptrt Cw-afr. H.
JM CONSlRlX JtOH tVit itm It opt at Mvtmtni rooMr Mutl ha wrdMg 4 krtor drtvr tot rintt Otttt 4 hydiauPc mm a ptut Tra kwwia nm orr? Ot Tuttkt ti) IJf CONSTRUCTION WORKERS Ai PfiatM Eiprn(t4 Htovv HfTwav 4 uity A 4 ligm A Ifgo Of CONSIRiXllOI. WORkiRS fam-iaf itt. undr ground utty tyork AAutl hot lnt 4 food 'w word Dov land Droprnortf Wpnpfm Mftti CONTRACT LABORER Earn t9l)M or IW pp.ymg ttaant out doort PM t.prwfwt nrntrv Iraimng pvaMaCMt tor pft tno potitiont tomt local ttavtt ftMiliJlf HJI CONlROvilR 4 vtr dtgrt Accounting ifi a mmnun at 3 to vtrt tipritnct a financi intttMan Oood ran ijaion 4 iwtvriurw at-on tt Vi prmorv tipritnct 4 kwrntdot ot prtonpl compuirt 4 data rwtt. mg Eictttnl btnrtt Wnd rttumt 4 tatry hrttrv to Franca PO Bo iHJO.Lriw, 3474 ft COO tockioit wrirttt 4 om chatr tor ktnt rpnr Fut tima tMOt-tndt mci Appiv Trpon Lantt. 303 Ui Tarpon COOK Dart brin Ammv in prton Htem Jpm (itntv I 4W) Tytong B'd COUk fie knt and rao Dtrt SnvttF Rtttuani $11 IM COOK -ful chrot tor hairnr todv Cowacf mt AtwMftor Mon Hvu Fn Urn -3pm tht COOtt tui Hma.
tipr kt niung a CtWy rttrtd Appry PTtM HMjh land Pxwt Nurtvng Manor. Ill) Sou Hfrtrd A.t cttri-a'r COOK maturi prton vho wrtntt to in LW nrpar tr rrrj coupw Vour own aprimtnt Viort hourt Nut twkmg cond Sottrv too1 Vnaa or OK Hudymrta 4071 COOKPM )0pm 1 10pm AJtrnaiing ittkondt on Good Dtorii RtltEF COOK Vrttd hourt Cal Mrttynn aMnrth Grdm Nurtmg Ctntr 33 4119 COOK (rto) ano Pantry Prton, Mf limt davt fiprwncrJ Cabana (tut), Cr.ir Oui 0ivd JJ nm COOK vrious nours. must be vrsotae Rncn House S71 747J. COOKS III HRI Apply Don Cesr how Prsonnr Mon Fri, Jam IOC COOKS. brHilry.
tome kiUNen tipt fnct, beneliis HO 41 7 5 "COOKS'" Davtntohit. btoTih, good pay. iram Brown Orby PO) Btkrvtvk Rfl. Madtr Btrh COO thorl rdr. tfpr only good tatry, Sunday off Aito Wnrs Watlrtttot Appty prton tilt C-trwair Irvc Rd.
IVW COOROiNAlOR Fr tchoot at crttld crt rotr I Rtouirtt BrlWort dtgrtt tducaion ond 1 vtrt tip chud crt acmgngttrain tntry 11 000 to tlt.UO SrxJ rttumt to Laichktv Inc, IM Eatt Bay Onvt. iunt Hj Lroo, Ft 34WL fOfc COUNSELOR vV'tft LPN tk lo work tn day rttidntiai rrovrv Awry Tom TrKprnpton. PC AS 733S J.V 0f 5i44fOt COUNSELOR Art you iht tun RatMtriiiat trrai mni ctnir looktng lor loltnltd mdi-vKtuaK to nttp turn round tmoltont tv dttlurbtd thitdrtn you tiavt a BA 4 tomt tiPT working ml cful-drn 4 wont lo bt part ot a winning ttam wt havt tht no (r vou E.tt btottttj mcl mx) vraiton, rtiirt rnri4 mtdicai opoiv tor advanct mtnt 4 turlhr rJucalion Com pfliiivt Wiry f.Ot Tgmpf IJS W9J COUNSELOR REHAB TECHNICIAN hr To work with devetopmenieiiv dua-bted adutti a roup nome fentiiy AA degree in numon srvices twld 4 some clwnl reteted eipr desired (all Goodwil )7 nil iIM EOE COUNSELOR-lo work w'elem wnoot Chikyen FT PT Send resume to POBoi 1151, elm Herbor, Fl M4) COUNSELORS- lor rhi rare mlee social irvirei retrrai Reouirei nigh wnoot diploma plut 17 credit nouri in counseling and vearl eP Brvrlitl Entry 117.740 lo 114.074 Resume to Latrnkev Inc, 1717 Fail Blv Orivt, Su.llH, urgo, FL )4e4l tA neerttd fr Amricen Fitness Club WI 74)1 COUNIER HELP Drytknnert Mature attitude 4 neat tooetranrt etiential WiH train 17 7pm week days, lam Ipm Salurdavi Country foe Mgli grea MO 0571, 74 714) COUNTER HELP Ful lima Apply Fashion Cleenrs, 115) Courl St, CHerwiHr COUNTER PfRVJNDunkm Donull il hiring. 1AM noon, noon-tpm, 4 ipm-mionighl 7)15 It Pin Pt COUNTER PERW7N Tot dry cleann Nnel 4 honeil, )75nr 541 ID7, 541 1094 COUNTER tor dry clean tr, benel'H Apply )700 Central Avl CRANE OPTRA TORS iperienrnd reouired both hydrau IK 4 wn'ion Cm 541 )55l CRf UiT PtPIMf NT Srretarv lo Credit Mtnaoer, Fami rrl rr orwn.eti.ml erlmive phorw contort, rof wnl lvp.ll, cotwr -lion evp Resume Appty al Co I um or Co 7ih Ave 4 M'h SI St Pete CREDIT Invtsl.gtinr Trnee I747wfc Item to enr.k credit lor Imenre ro 544 15)4 Acrurtll Prsonnal CRT HE I Now Hiring All Shilts Aotity at vour xxai MC DONALD'I CRCW PEOPLE Vif.rt, ctotrt Fj or pari lima Ap ply at ABB 3M US Hwy IV Norlh, Coun'rytidt Atk tor Lrltnt CREW Pot'ltont now l.lWt lor dav 4 tvtnrng thitlt at your kxai Cwarwatr. Paim Hrtwr 4 OWtmar WENUVS rttiajram Pvtat acWv tn ptrton lo tna mnt0fr CUSTODIAN Eicitvint bnrtrtit fouott may trtart dut.tt NE Si Pttrvourg MART AGFNCY S46 Wl CUSTOMER SERVICE IIS.WO Public rtiai'ont, ltarnrrtit invttiifla lion ftt- IMS Af curti Prjonngi CUSTOMt SFPVICE Ar-tWrtnl tnoijid POtVttt (food tkiKt tn Itrtpnont tommtjnif.attoni, typtrvg, hart a ttrAd aptitudt for numort 4 bt a pt itnr td on a CRT Bar WerKai, 44 V4lf Avt CUSTOMER SERVICE Emar-fiti Strvftt (O downtown St Pt't rvtwdt prton with punl prvona mannr 4 prtvout ouitrtnt trPtr trvt rrtt parking imrrtrjtnit twtn'ng Stw) fttumt lo PO Boil J3030, Pti, EL.
33)) K))0 ir ia I I VISA a Fjnptcymwt Gfrfjl ACCOUNTS PAVABlt- WN Km. ohonet. opportunity le ktrn dele gn-irr Cei Jom -W HJ A0JU5TOR cleem Irmee -antrv in poutem maor Ms Co lli.ist ar fxioiKni sit n't AOMIN AliT III Sfrrv Ul conwuttr lnwl CM IVfiiK (It ITeo Viwit AOMINISTBATIVE ASSISTANT Chiwmmi totrfioji wi irnwii -urmcl nwfl Arm Prwi hvie 4 Mvt llrons rimil'WMI 11. or-rinwif tiprencf. tvM M-1 ni food mat MM, ecu-ln or wood rilf -f SoM n-Wl 10 Potior 4 Ponor MwroKO ConurlanH MO tod Avo N.
Su.lt no Pnnuxxi Fundi vm Allonlion Porwme Doportmonl ADMINISTRATIVE ASST. Eipr oKjrrwnifiitvf nil tooo Intmt lor condo Mutl bt pm-tt rwnio, OTm tn)uMMtng Moa -Fei Im-i Mom 112.000 Mr yNr.tMAfhtl.jH i AIDE Mm oo lor mM irrokf Mlnl inol DM rwMol Mull tow 10 nolo iiti primal Mroov Eio not nomtarv Orivor'l kconw roquirod Sitio on, He in nrti enar got MNtSI. co Ciaii.i'M, SI Ptio Tr. 51 fi AiP. Com Wvico toca oio ni rtK4-itoi 4 comm'L ful comoony onns CD A CokHwho 0)1 I8 Ait Conoiltmna.
ftu Duel Mo-chanic- FabrKaior 4 Inifouer Mr Ctl Hv AMtCRAFT BOATS AUtBs SUSS PER HD TO START APPiriNO PAINT COATINGS Wf TRAIN I Jill AcTShOl TCcVniC'ian fit oa" II 00101 UM AoMv PC AS IM IS At Iwlr S30 )lloof ALUMINStALLER-lrucl 4 looH a mull, MM l.pinptul ALUMINUM INSTALLERS Eipori-oiKod. oicKionl loconiito plan, many brnofill AtJOTV In prion BAKER INDUSTRIES. INC SIS-IIII isw-wm a n. Pinnai Pn aiunvnum JACOBSEN ALUMINUM nooOl a Sortici Prun Mmi tiotrnrod. Kavf liucl 4 Han Soarv.
IU0 4 up Aoptv Nl prion oMv, Tnurt 4 Fri. I I Ipm lorn No rati pltOM WIIVVSitijHf(0T ALUMINUM SCREEN ROOM INSTALLERS 4 Top Knokti Sairiod Srtict Prion Pioniv ol utadv ori Co I 'll ANIMAL HOSPITAL REffPTltlil Lam ir aopoinlminlt Oroti hanl HUSM Atturflt PrionnaJ ANStVtRlNO SERVICE FT l-l lam PT 1-10 am41 om tlom ApWv l-lllOom. SOU Conn Av, Su.t l. 51 P'l ANSWERING SERVICE OPERAtO Good nitonona toico, oood vk 4 mtoxal banol'll SMIl 1-1. Ml wkndl 4 noWI (ol 14.
rU T)" APARTMENT MAINTENANCE InowWdol AC. UttfKal plume no, omral rapatrt Ablt to maintain pool Own locm VWli roq 44JJ.IJf APPLIANCE REPAIR EifwiWKtd motor po(inc ttrhnl-cin Ctn nukt MOO to IS00 ptr wNk out ticoHtnl twnttiti, AoMv in Otrwn 01 0tH Hilt TV 1 AO-prlowtt, Yv1t Bd, Ufrgo APPLIANCE ftch IrnrnM ootAtN lor Wfttrloool Ttch Crt Strvtct Com-oortv covfMQ PtntWt I Mftttorouoti toupitfl EPf OAJy yu 11)1 APPOINIMLNT CONTROL CLERK Bool our ouod wwh No tam Fun 4 port nmi Cal SN1II Nation Wairt Srurity Cwtri APPCilNtMENf Stllir-f TiPT Pltoiant wwlino tond Hrly 60-nuiai Homo improvi Clwlr Apoomtmont Stun tlO lit, ll)Hr Earnod bv our Inaiorioncod Ropi1! noma snopor clue m-MTO, SU-JIM APPOINTMf Nf JtTTtaf A CCT UP TO 110 HR PLU SONUS CALL MARIE. HI-SMI APPOINTMENT SETTERS Mature individuals with ability to speak clearly I distinctly and need to work! Full Time: 9-4, Part Time: 2-6. Medicai i dental available. Hourly mgr commission, 4 bonuses.
Call Mr. Phillips: 541 6648, betieen 10am 12noon. Retirees welcome. Permaguard Industries 6790 118th SETTERS NEEDED NOW For noma ImnrotarnonH FT'PT with neurit 4 ouotunt oonutai. Wit train Apply to GarytSM IMI 2H EmpltrrriMl Gmral AUIO IKAiNEt tranvnntam oood i opptv vim nail cnaw.
mmrtum waot to Hrt Cf Lor'y rm AuTO WASHERS 4 POLISHERS Apply Brt VMti OMsmotMt. AXfi SI Sot lot Hanjai AUTO WINDOW FILM INSTALLER Fuay ainrwncad. good won ban at.ls IJI-WO AUTO WINDOW INTER EtP. look roo, TtS- ltl, S) )U AUTOMOTIVE Aulo body dttail prvon lot parton 4 prtl countr prion Aooty at prson GLOBE AUTO IMPORTS StrvKlOtpt, IIIJU II) CW AUTOMOTIVE Body Prto Prun 6. par mtowjraq $ymi AUTOMOTIVE BODY REPAIR TECHNICIAN Kutv OM oodv thop it tn rvtod ot on oiportoncod boo ptrton Good pv 4 Oicftvnt workmg conOi'xvH AocMv porwn to Bodv Shoe Monttw ROSS CHEVROLET JOOI jam Jl St Pata AUTOMOTIVE DETAILER Eiorioncod tHgn hna auiomobltl Canpi.
ILl'U'l Automotiva LOT ATTENDANT Ciaan. rallabla prion with good driving rocrd Nitdtd tor tot duiwt at now cw dtatrtns Cal Mna Pardun aliJO betwtan pm- Ipm. AUTOMOTIVE LOT PERSON Crown Mtrcodn il notd ot on ti-Ptrwncod lot ptrwn Oood worhftg condition! ond bonttiit Apptv prion to Mr Irntth ol CROWN MERCEDES Cornr SSIl Avl 4 UN ivm. automotiva LUBE-TECH JtftvLuot Itorjtr in iht Kk hjbo nduttry now occoptmg CKftwn tor outo wrvict Ptrtonnfl Entry ttvtt povixxn or ivoitowt it ifvoroi lorittont withrn tht TornM fiov I'M, nt wo toohmg tor OtwryJoW tn-dtvtdutH wtth lomo motnortKoi ao-litudt WW trim Pow ippIv tn ptrton In Wh Co, Jrttv Lubt, Stminott B'd, Stminott. nd tn North Ptntitt Co, Jtfv LvMa Soum Mnvovri Av.
Ciwtr. AUTOMOTIVE MACHINIST EiPtrinced Brtktt. vtivt t. Otock work i prttt oooraiioni Naitonoi l.rm, ticHUvtt ptnttilt U4i hf to tiorl ptut cornrntttKin Apply NAPA Aulo PiMt, mi J4ih So E0E AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC 3 vtart tiptjritnct with own toort to work for ont ot tht otdttt oMr thipt Apptv tn ptrton at ADCOCK MOTOR CO. Wi SI 4 Avf Nt itJl AUTOMOTIVE NEW CAR LOT PERSON Ask tor Ray Dinning Automotiva NEWEST TOYOTA DEALERSHIP IN PINELLAS COUNTY NOW HIRING TECHNICIANS Mutl bt iWttncd up to DO ptr flat rait hour Ttchnicitnt tor uttd cart tito rwedtd Apply Ift prion lo Paul Btiangr al TAMPA BAY TOYOTA Pft BiyA pifHri Pr(s AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC Exporionc nitdtd (or uitd car, od-vanct to lortign car dtpt.
Mult hovt own tools and willing to loom. Apply In ptrton to Bill Gramlty, Scarrilt Lincoln Mtrcury, 555 34th St. St. Pttt. I 1 EmpftpMt Gtfttrai At TENUENI FtnuMt ma Aopiv al lata Sammoia Car Wam, KMT I Part Sivfl, Sr-Mou AUTO ALARM InnallrvEPr.
MM 4 Irani roo, lift Sl AUIO body comctnattin prion, at-pricad ouoitt rtoavi 4 (oovon Ut Slrn A Norm AUTO BOOV Cialtiman tor buiv rat-torolion IfMW icti opptv Own looll. rrn M) Sl! AUT6 BODY PAINT PESSC oood oav plan Apptv al MIS Car Sira. Jtn Jt Aw tor fa Htm AUTO BODY PAINTER EiPOrbtncM bodv DfKWn Wl fi Otrttrtctd Pttnitr Atvo Mwtnltcti Fui limt Milton FuM comoflv twi-f(H Sot Ron Rtcharrnon, boCi Shop Mitnootr ol ST. PETE IEEP EAGLE Hit Jim Jt Jt Pt AUTO BODY REPAIR Ouably cohuon mop musl nana um-bodv 4 tromo oipr Eicol pay bon-lfi an tor Bob Don AUTO BOOY SHOP SaMino 0PTI' mead Hwtf I Monday mru Fri day litttnt pay pon, S7J-IJJI AUTO BODY TECHNICIAN CoHrMW Ctn tor ftofjv Vwo hoi on oooftfng tor art Aulo BocJv Ttchrnc ton Mutl bt Oioorttnctd in Body Rtpotr 4 Fromt SirrohttfMrto ond hovt own HwH joe mckxJvt monv btntftti, ProM Vioffrtfl, Pim) Stcfc Oovt, Hfotth Pion. Pov biiod on fioon- tnCO CO I MgtOitv (OT tOOONtl- mnnil43 AUIO BODY TECHNICIAN PAINTER Soiorv ond eroduciior) tnctmtm Ap ptv or von ontv ol Grtnt Motor co.nnw AUTO Dtioiitr ticti working cwv tjiironi mv, pff prti 34 444 AUTO DEIA1LER Irnmtsltilt opm ing Exotrttnet rwttuorv or wtl Iraifi (ho rtohi ptrton tiictHoni work-ng coMMoni Oood mv o(m Pro fmptovmont poivoroph rtwurtd Cod R.
4 mfil 210 Of I AUT6 btTTAILEtti I Jmop mgA Al now crow, work tor good ptoptt Apply iW It PPi AUTO DISMANTLER Must lata looti. aiorvnced ontv. AUTO C-lail tntlaur Eior only natd aoorv Fui btnaiiii City Giau 4 Mirror, 700 4tin St Jl Put. AUTO IMPORT TECHNICIAN Fw aipandino wrvica daot Eio nac-niary NIASE cnitiad prttrrtd E-fHtii worhmg cond 4 comoonv banol'll Cal Mori M4-1M4 'AUTO LOT HELP' Prion wwmo notr in auto dalaH mutt hava Fl driyri He. mm apt II, tun tima, prmanam nb, oroup now, ma, doniot an Paid notidayi 4 vk Pay raim batad on oood wrk 4 dtpondablfity.
Growing co, oood advanrmanl poitibN 701-OtH, lam-lom. US II Clwtr START NOW AUTO LOT PfcRSOTi Aulo Nau co totti anrottic individual lor lot porion position Fla drivri Ik- roo Aooty Brt smim Laaynj, 3 )im SI SI Ptt AUTO LOT PERSON Part-tlmo Col SM-SiS iuT6 MECHANIC- HS nr Eiprl- ancad witn looll Xi tW AUfO MECHANIC day wk Eip toon 4 0riri lit Bmalitl AUTO-Macnanic nor tortign carl, SMO watt plus comm Wl v1l AUfO MECHANIC -iVorianctd. own loolltbuly inop W-JilJ AUTO MECHANIC Own looit Apoiv orun: I7IS (arwjlr-Laroo Road, CHirwitar AUTO MECHANIC Own loots Apoiv prion Grant Ford. J4tn SI No, Aui to; Brad AUTO PAINTER WITH URETHANf EXP AND EXP DETAIL PERSONS NEEOEO FOR HIGH VOLUME, fiUALITY JMOP JJHWJJJ SJIl. AuTO nocaiiarv.
Apoty prion: Earl Schaib Auto Punt, Wl Norlh Tyrono (Sivd. SJ PH AUTO PARTS COUNTER PERSON Exoritncod prttrrtd FuH company banafiti. Maior auiomobila dtattrtnip Sand rtlumi Bon 77ST, SI PHI FLJJTM All raplitl conlidtnliU AUTO PARTS DRIVER itxHv Aulomotivl Supply. 0Jnl Ayf tl AuTO SERVICE- Gtntrai Lubt. OH.
tlrt wrvica Minor mtcnanicol. Sliwly Aulo AuTO TAPER SANSrS Immtdittt OPtnlngi Apply; 540 Mm SI St tW flYRGNEMAZM 21 EmplymMt General aluminum mviatr Hard wortr Good pay Convoj won oHoJja APPOINTMENT SETTERS Soitiiv Eiorojnrod Pioirrod. KjI ofooi io, mtnj APPOINTMENT SETTERS Top howrlv NT comntsMn bo-num Sir! tivnaovawt FULL 4 PART-TIME Homo tnorowKnonH I Mam 0 lODprn Col )t JI APPt SEC TAD Y-lmmtattt oeontiB. I Btw tONKv Pin monm-l ponyl Cal Njr appt jlj tlf APT. MAINTENANCE AAA EMPLOYMENT iV AREA MANAGER Apfciiom now bunt Kitottd tor PrftMftt ArH M)A9bK 'Pi-a viom 'CornotVrv SuBHddilffO Htth pln '401 ervTwnf piM Mnjft SitytMf teitrv on ot tftpj Mtom notti ftuid- tN trvcf comMfty Wa4 fttnumt to Norm A Slrttf, Tompi.
ATTN PfKWnNl AttEA iuP8vi40ft MAl Kivt Cf. Mormilion 1 M-pKaiont Goodw Vort 100 US NaJ P9f! ASSEMBLERS 100 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS! Dtv. atifrnoon 4 rtwtn9M tMfH Nt iMrncf Noctturv torn otrmontnt pot'om HOME MAKERS WELCOMED No Pt4 WMkh; Western Tiireiiu imictu S70-O4O0 Ttmporrif Mt Jorl AtttmHERS-TlnoMtd otociromr 4 mothamcai oipononco roamrod Sian now Engtnor Contract Shop OONBAR CORP HI or hr to itart Soma lotdrmo ttor roo OHki Ovroad, No For i-m-im Ul4ndVMI Tiam- aot WoKomt No No Epic Srincoi IllSt lam SI til Ml Tamo HMO ASSEMBLERS Ewcifonc. PC 6 4 ca- worl. 4 day trorl wl oociait mid tounly to.
ASSEMBLERS Eiprwnca prttrttd Accaolino apoKaiioni lor In iM vRN mirna-lional, IN0 Any Si till SI ot Tront Man, of! VI W10E ASSEMBLERS Tor Roof Truliai-Etprionca prlt Apply Ift prion Florida Form Products, 2001 NM At, SE Lr 7M-4JO Sh Ron i Hardwart, tipri-oncod orrlrrod out tram tor tur- wturf manutattyfinj co. Hi oirj ASSEMBLER)- Larooootad Mlo comoont wokmo inditiduall lor moot main atsomoiy Apott 01 I'St t'ton Pliry Rd, Laror, l-l I Mam ASSEMBLY PtftSON-Muir'bt ro-NaW Btnotll), Will Inm, J4J-44II ASSEMBLYSHOP $200wk EiPtr btutorlntt. Ovtr limt ovih loo1 BrrlH. Cod Jo 3700 Et Btv Or (Lrgo) UW7U AAA gMPLOVMt-NJ ASSISTANT MANAGER For crd 4 onH snoo Mult nava ItronR ratail lip 4 wort ntiHUO nouri wo rt a national compnat 4 ottr lirpHont Itartna lalart 4 ban-atits Apply Monaor. Summil Slation- riounlryiiot TMS)C ASSISTANT MANAGER For raoidty noandina cnain ol iadt PLUS utt opowtl urn, EKiimo caror ooooriumiwi lor launon mmo-td, tnlnumilic mdivlduall.
Saujry commriturlll waitprrKI Appty lurtl Plul Tyron, Sq Ma EPi ASSISTANT MANAGEA National imal appiianco company notdl I ambtlioul paoolt No tipr not Opportunity IMO-ISO0 wtol btnoliH 10 llrl Cl 4 U5, ASSISTANT Mgr-lramnt providod, nan financi era btom coror (iy Pornrl USHM ASSiSTaRT TO OwMIRiardwart 4 oooi supotv lira Soma ratal not- ntntl ra-tuiroO S) ISJI ASSISTANT to pnylKiin-wilrain lomtom mtrisitd modKai caror IMC Blr Pirsonnol SH UJ1 ASSISTANT lo Suit armimni En-route A Mam ptavr wim oaci- National mlo ol HVAC terminal aouip, pnoumatlcoloclronK conlroll. DOC lutomalion 4 ttrlrlc haalino hat ciror potition tor Individual wilh r.tavv tact) brlround product ap-pUcalnn Rtouiret wrkino wltn corn-pony ld lam oHxrt, soma I'lvtt EicoHtnl rowlti opoortunilv and ban- alii pactaoi Cw Woodbury Ir ttrvw Kl 5ANT i ATTEnOaN' Funral Homa. wiU Jtlil SStlXn. 01 Tyrono Bivd I j. 4At 7 W-J tr i 1 1 1 I Af1lWii4AWaTf.