Forums, Fundamentals, and The Faculty as Family (2024)

Another week full of talks, quizzes, and adaptation, which is to be expected throughout August. We’re in an odd cart-before-horse scenario where we’re attending classes (with SKS) before campus orientation. And at this rate, when orientation comes around in September, we’ll all be well-oriented enough to be the ones giving the campus tours.

Since my last post I have familiarized myself more with the campus and the faculty. The buildings are starting to feel less like a corn maze and more like what it actually is—my second home. Similarly, my classmates are becoming a little less intimidating and more like who they actually are— my second family.

Pancasila: revisited

Pancasila is something every Indonesian student knows all too well. We’ve all had to endure a chapter or two on it every year, from elementary school right up to high school. And just when you think you’ve seen the last of it—surprise! It’s back for a full month.

Forums, Fundamentals, and The Faculty as Family (1)

The course consists of new daily materials (to read/watch at our own pace) alongside a quiz to test our knowledge. The students were divided into roughly 70 classes, each with their own dignified lecturers and assistants. The problem? A lack of standardization. Some classes were able to see their quiz scores before reattempting, giving them an edge. Meanwhile, others didn’t even get a second shot at all, left wondering about how they did. You can definitely make a case that this is, ironically, a violation of Pancasila’s fifth principle:

Keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia (Social justice for all the people of Indonesia)

We have plenty of individual tasks to keep us busy, but the star of the Pancasila course is definitely the Pancasila Project. Students are divided into groups of five, and together, we’re tasked with planning a project to tackle a social issue under the light of Pancasila. Suddenly, it’s not just about theoretical understanding anymore— it’s about applying those five principles to real-world challenges.

I have the privilege of landing in a very cooperative team. Not everyone is as lucky as I am, ITBfess has been buzzing with complaints of passive teammates.

Forums, Fundamentals, and The Faculty as Family (2)
Forums, Fundamentals, and The Faculty as Family (3)

We lucked out on a relatively simple topic for our project: reforestation and environmental conservation. We have a simple plan and whipped up a quick proposal that our lecturer’s assistant seems to like. I am quite fond of our project as well, it’s definitely something we have to put in work for but realistic enough to actually implement. Speaking of implementation, I am unsure if we are supposed to execute these ideas at some point in the course. I mean, some groups got assigned themes like village infrastructure, which sounds way more complex. Maybe I’m just not creative enough, but I’m struggling to imagine what kind of program those students could propose if they had to implement them.

Without revealing too much too soon about our program, it requires releasing 100 eceng gondok into a pond— which I think could fall under ecological disruption and might lowkey be illegal— so I’m not fully on board with this part of the plan yet. But we’re going to present our idea to our lecturer soon anyway, we’ll see what he has to say about our legion of hyacinths.

So, Pancasila course… yay or nay?

You see, I’m never the most nationalistic folk around and have always found this material to be redundant. But I do think it’s important for any citizen to understand the history and intention behind their nation’s ideology. If nothing else, it helps us grasp the underlying framework of our society. Furthermore, right now, in this environment, our five principles gain a new light.

Forums, Fundamentals, and The Faculty as Family (4)

Along with our national motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, Pancasila is fundamentally about unification. Yes, I know I sound like a broken record every time I mention our institute’s diversity, but it really is that prevalent in our daily life here. So, while I might have rolled my eyes at the thought of another Pancasila course at first, it serves as a reminder to be open-minded and empathetic with everyone, which is something I can 100% get behind!

What FMIPA’s been up to

The last few days have been packed with bonding moments, and it’s been great to see everyone coming together. Our first meet up was a quick seminar on our career prospects. The speaker was an algebraist who’s working in the field of sports analytics, and it was honestly super interesting. She gave us a fresh perspective on how to connect our passions with our field of study—basically, take something you enjoy and start looking at it through a MIPA lens. That means asking the right questions (she claims that, yes, there are stupid questions) and building models to solve them. This is something I’ve always enjoyed doing too and I plan on sharing some of these ideas in my blog, so stay tuned!

Forums, Fundamentals, and The Faculty as Family (5)

After the seminar, things took a fun turn with a Family-Feud-esque game show hosted by Dr. Getbogi Hikmawan, the self-proclaimed “head of ITB’s entertainment department.” He cranked up the energy by spinning a giant digital spinwheel (big enough for all 464 of us) to pick 10 random students as contestants. I always have a special place in my heart for whimsical characters in STEM, and Dr. Hikmawan definitely fits the bill.

Also, Sunday marked Day 4 of Scientia 24, our faculty’s annual pre-orientation event, courtesy of the class of ’23! This event has been going on for about a month, with Day 0 through Day 3 held online, one each week. Our entire faculty was divided into almost 40 teams, each paired with two sophom*ore mentors who were there to guide us and answer any burning questions we had about life and studying at ITB. Our team spent Day 4 together going post to post playing games and doing posttests. We also got to see FMIPA’s band Technopulse perform a set of songs with a cutesy short love story along with it. Well done guys, we must see you on stage at OSKM!

Forums, Fundamentals, and The Faculty as Family (6)

While the main events were fun as well, the best part of Scientia has to be the team mentoring sessions between each Day. I had two wonderful mentors who really made the experience memorable. Apparently, we were the 5th most active and quick team when it comes to the weekly team mentoring, so proud of my Team Orchid pals! Our mentors also gave us an unofficial certificate accompanied by a heartwarming note for all us. Now isn’t that sweet? I hope I get to see you again in Ganesha, Ka Nopa and Ka Mina.

Forums, Fundamentals, and The Faculty as Family (7)
Forums, Fundamentals, and The Faculty as Family (8)

Parade practices

We are starting to feel the festive spirit seeping into campus as August 17th inches closer. In my dorm, I’m waken up every morning by rolling snares and lulled to sleep every night by a harmony of trumpets. Our faculty has also come together a few times to practice for our upcoming Independence Day arak-arakan (parade). We have a handful of cheers recited and a basic yet compelling storyline planned.

Our voluntary committee is made up of some very fun, creative, and charismatic people and they’ve done a stellar job with the parade plans. Plus, we’re debuting our new motto for the world to see.

Forums, Fundamentals, and The Faculty as Family (9)

The plan for this parade is to shatter stigmas and stereotypes about our science faculty. People hear “science guys” and think socially awkward Sheldons, when actually a great deal of us are laidback Leonards— relatable and down-to-earth as any one else (though, not mutually exclusive with being socially awkward).

Emphasis on family

Truthfully, I’ve had thoughts on becoming a solitary student at some point, I’ve found it difficult to make friends before. But everything since the pretest has been pushing me to get out there and just converse, collab, and cooperate. Our faculty’s LINE chat isn’t merely titled FMIPA 2024 Students or FMIPA 2024 Group— it’s FMIPA 2024 Family. And it’s something we should embrace if we want to succeed.

The Pancasila Project, Scientia 24, and the upcoming arak-arakan revolves around one central theme: family. Every day it gets harder and rarer for the ‘lone genius’ type to thrive. Modern science (or even more generally, modern society) relies on team efforts. The world is just too vast to master everything, we need to amplify each others’ strengths and cover for each others’ weakness. This is the spirit we’re going to put on display this Saturday. We’ll be marching forward with these initiatives (literally and figuratively) and we’re out to show the real face of FMIPA!

Forums, Fundamentals, and The Faculty as Family (10)
Forums, Fundamentals, and The Faculty as Family (11)
Forums, Fundamentals, and The Faculty as Family (12)
Forums, Fundamentals, and The Faculty as Family (13)
Forums, Fundamentals, and The Faculty as Family (14)
Forums, Fundamentals, and The Faculty as Family (15)
Forums, Fundamentals, and The Faculty as Family (16)
Forums, Fundamentals, and The Faculty as Family (17)
Forums, Fundamentals, and The Faculty as Family (2024)


Why is it important to collaborate with families as a teacher? ›

When educators and families are partners in children's social and emotional development, educators gain insight to better support students, and families gain an ally in supporting the social and emotional skill-building they already engage in with their children.

Why is it important to value the family as the child's first educator? ›

When it comes to learning, we recognise families as a child's first teacher. Children form a secure attachment with their family who are role models for their behaviour and skills. Families influence many things such as a child's language, rituals and social skills.

What are the best questions you ask families to learn about students at the beginning of the year? ›

A Friendly Reminder!
  • What do you see as your child's greatest strengths or skills? ...
  • Next June, what do you hope your child says about his/her experience in school this year? ...
  • What was your experience like in this grade? ...
  • What are your fears or concerns about your child in this year of school?

What is a family forum? ›

A Family Forum is a body of parents and carers, which represents parents and carers and provides a forum for them to put forward their views to the Headteacher, Leadership Team and Governing Body.

Why is family involvement important for teachers? ›

Participating and engaging with your child's school and educator can provide invaluable information about your child's personality and learning style. Educators want to be as effective in their work as possible, and they understand that parents are a valuable asset to their instructional program.

What is a needed for a strong family teacher collaboration? ›

Fostering Trust

Trust is the backbone of successful collaboration. It's what allows parents and teachers to be open, honest, and supportive. Trust is built over time, through consistent communication, active listening, and demonstrating reliability. Trust ensures that both parties feel confident in their partnership.

Why is family important in early childhood education? ›

Parent involvement helps extend teaching outside the classroom, creates a more positive experience for children and helps children perform better when they are in school. It is essential for parents to support the learning that happens in preschool settings at home as well.

Why are relationships between educators and families important? ›

Why is it important for you to build relationships with families? Families and educators each have unique knowledge about a child. A parent or caregiver can share information with educators about how the child feels, thinks, and learns outside of the formal learning environment.

Why is it important to teach children about family? ›

By establishing attachment and teaching development skills— in addition to instilling values and a sense of security—a parent or caregiver—along with other family members—can be a child's most important early teachers and influencers—setting the foundation for a healthy and happy life.

What are some questions about family? ›

About the family
  • Who is the funniest person in your family?
  • What about having kids didn't turn out the way you expected it?
  • Did you have any pets? Describe it/them.
  • What is/was the best thing about your parents? What is/was the worst?
  • Who is someone you've lost? What are some of your memories about that person?

What are good questions to ask students about their learning? ›

7 important questions to ask your students every week
  • What's one change you will make this week to become a better learner? ...
  • What kind act will you do for somebody this week? ...
  • What are you most looking forward to this week? ...
  • What are you struggling to understand at the moment? ...
  • How are you feeling 'right' now and why?

What are some motivation questions for the students? ›

Student Motivation & The Questions We Ask
  • From: What do you want to major in? To: What problem do you want to solve?
  • From: What do you want out of life? ...
  • From: How much money can you make? ...
  • From: How can you achieve something great? ...
  • From: What do you possess inside? ...
  • From: What will make you happy?
Nov 27, 2016

What is the purpose of a forum? ›

A forum is an online discussion board where people can ask questions, share their experiences, and discuss topics of mutual interest. Forums are an excellent way to create social connections and a sense of community. They can also help you to cultivate an interest group about a particular subject.

What is a forum example? ›

: a public meeting place for open discussion. The club provides a forum for people interested in local history. c. : a medium (such as a newspaper or online service) of open discussion or expression of ideas.

What is the purpose of a people forum? ›

The purpose of the employee forum is to provide all employees the opportunity to hear from the senior leader of the organization. Other leaders or employees may have a role in the forum, but the goal is for the senior leader to have visibility with all employees.

Why teachers building relationships with families is important? ›

Improved Academic Performance: Strong parent-teacher relationships allow for the sharing of insights and strategies tailored to the individual needs of the student. This cooperation can lead to more effective learning experiences and, consequently, better academic outcomes.

Why is collaboration important in families? ›

Why Family and Community Collaboration? Years of research and practice demonstrate that when families and educators partner to support learning and development, children are more likely to have better attendance, succeed in school, graduate on time and stay on their path to college or a career.

What are the benefits of teacher collaboration with colleagues families and students? ›

Teacher collaboration is important because it helps improve student outcomes, fosters professional growth, and encourages the exchange of creative ideas. It creates a supportive environment where teachers can learn from each other and improve their instructional methods.

Why it is important for families and educators to partner to support learning at home? ›

Engaging with families outside of school helps form a shared understanding and shows that teachers care about their students. A trusting relationship with teachers might encourage parents to become involved in their children's education, leading to improvements in attendance, behavior, and learning.

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.