Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

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Fort Worth Star-Telegrami

Fort Worth, Texas

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SUNDAY JULY 3 1983 FORT WORTH STAR TELEGRAM 2 1 I al ine if 1 4' '1 tell AWIF kt II AZLE STAR ROUTE AVE COUNTRY MASTERPIECE 5-3-2 on approximately 4 acres This home has it all! Large country kitchen family room formal living and dining rooms 2 woodburning fireplaces covered patio! Hwy 199 frontage landscaped plus much much mom Only $144900 Must see this to appreciate ERA RAY 14 REAL ESTATE 444-5611 677-3037 2509 STONEGATE BEDFORD TRANSFERRED OWNER hates to leave this Wacasey built home in Mayfair Hills VA assumable loan Large game room and formal dining sprinkler system and ceiling fan Come see and you'll love it $149900 Call Pat 281-6807 THE FINANCIAL EXPERTS MERRILL LYNCH REALTY 288-5000 1804 BEDFORD OAKS BEDFORD OAK VALLEY Lovely Sandlin-built home has 3 bedrooms 2 baths built-in hutch and oversized utility room Storm doors and windows $99750 Rusty Taylor 282-4770 LOU SMITH REALTORS 5404224 7501 TIMBER RIDGE LAKE COUNTRY CUSTOM HOME Gorgeous 4-2-2 with vaulted ceilings central vac Jennaire compactor' micro Large master suite with special features French doors 20x16 deck sprinkler corner lot Si 19900 GLORIA STILES REALTORS 7314382 923-9293 910 010APA EULESS DOLL HOUSE Darling home in Midway Park is In Perfect Condition! Three bedrooms 1 bath central heat and air and formal living $49500 Dolores Bell 498-1664 LOU sherrH REALTORS 540-0224 cis a :0 fr 4- 444044 E1 114rIllt: 1 4 1'1 14' 1474 A77-'''' It I as- ::::::3 7N: ::1::: i 7 i 7 T71717rd'ar'774 Pr 4 )1 TWarr A1 1 414 1 444 1 t- 1 --14 ww-rirs Kr'g 14-71f'snf-11 -1444A1 11 40411114 04" 1 If I '1071 r' itt ''''''''N :4 roavAll 1 '''''Rdr 1 I'' 4 '4e4 iitN4 te--4: Af1 0 tcNckt r-: '47 -011-0'fIA -tt- -4 4 i 0-: -e44410t0 5 4 120-0PAT GILEAD KELLER MAJESTIC ELEGANCE On over 2 rolling acres Custom built in ever way with many extras including 4 bedrooms formal dining game room Jenn-Aire wet bar ice maker and much more Room for pool tennis courts and horses 810800000 Edna McDonald 379-6163 LOU SMITH 379-5575 925 PRESTWICK BEDFORD READY TO MOVE? Terrific 3 bedroom home in the Trinity HS District It has a woodbuming fireplace formal areas storm doors and windows and lovely covered patio Microwave oven disposal and fenced yard Great for the active family $72500 BARBARA POLK A ASSOC REALTOR 'MEMBER OF TRANSLO" 268-2600 1400-2414529 ext 275 5108 PARTRIDGE OVERTON SOUTH OPEN HOUSE 200-500 One of the finer streets in Overton South has the most attractively decorated 4-2-2 house spacious living lush landscaping $159500 PAT HENDON REALTORS 2944700 1 i 0 4 Nit 0 01 elawL '''N O' NI VW' rota 4444o VM UFO i 411 i i dam! car liPt iflto LI orelS GAWP II AbWd 10 Air VV: Mrre A4L MI 4100 VI 1 S10 WO' I 0 6tclry111 1 A I Akr i orsworAo 1" L-1 ux 1''''' 0 SW 0 0 ammo I I teetH171 yor4114 7 7 emult04 obik r- WANT RESULTS? DIAL R-E-S-U-L-T-S 737-8587 7404 ielotaMtedia491'n 1081 VALLE VISTA KELLER NEW HOME ON ONE ACRE New construction on approximately 1 acre in Keller Three bedrooms 2 baths plus tonna! dining Hurry and pick your colors 89800000 Linda Wilburn 498-3659 LOU SMITH 431-1588 379-5575 605 PARKER EULESS AFFORDABLE Available now-Aovely 3 bedroom 2 bath 2 car garage just a block from Trinity High School Owner will carry Vs of equity on an assumption $7735000 Louise Mudd 488-7952 LOU SMITH 431-1583 379-5575 I 1 690 Office For Rent '701 Houses for Sale 690 Office For Rent 702 West Side-Area I 701 Houses for Sale 640 Duplex For Rent Ron 1 641 Houses-Rent Unfurnished 661 Duplex For Rent Unturn wont I Ash fox 5 Jacobs WOODFIELD NEW OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE Ready for tenant finish $9 per sq ft and exterior maintenance parking and $800 sq ft tenant finish allowance To 3000 Sq Ridglea Shopping Area Call 731-0761 Dayton or Chuck Sheridan DMC Ltd LAKE ARLINGTON AREA BUILD OUT SALE! The Lake Arlington area has 9 homes reduced in price in order to finish the subdivision All ore under construction priced in the $60's and are 3-2-2 with fireplace Beautiful location reduced prices superb quality and innovative design make these homes a great value For addresses and more information CALL 572-0316 SAGE POINT 1 NEW 2-STORY BRICK EULESS 3 bedrooms 212 both 2-cor garage home with formal livingdining family room with wood-burning fireplace ond large patio Huge kitchen with boy window in breakfast area 3 big bedrooms with double sink vanity in master suite Perfect for your family and only $82950 Choose all colors CALL 540-2242 653 Houses-Rent Unturn Mid Cities WE HAVE RENTALS 6036 Herschel 3-2-2 5475SMO 1608BrovmTrall2-2 1550 4275 6924 Glenhurst3-2 25005300 4416 Buckeye 3005 Kathleen 3-24 1700SJO0 Barbara Polk As2c1120Restlors (8)7) 2- 2600 'Member Of TR AN SLO" calitol I free 1-800-2414579ext 275 North Ricdand Hills Like new 3-2-7 wilt firepiade In Irish Meadows atactition storm wincbws utility room ceiling tan in den 2650 menthly deposit rewired Large 4-14 with formal dining large den with fireplace located In Foster Village WO montrilY dwosit redulred Call weekdays 8-5 SANDLIP1 HOMES 781-3509 Boboie Summarfields Large 3-2-2 built-ins WilitP draped rrag650 5 S3W deposit 41011 htawilinfta 2324136 4304266 Haltom: 2-1 carport COS Blue Mound: 311i-1 air WO Euless: I den fenced 1A50 2 NR 4-2-2 40 ft pool SO Demsits t300 498-6322 Richland Hills large 2 bedroom extra nice sebtp heat air cei lirtp fans 2 car garage fenced extra nice neighborhood near Airport wy 549S deposit 49e-18a ---FE5FOR 3-2 Immedi attioccopancyS575 month plus deposit Call Bill 494 4901 Century 21 Mike Bowman 2824213 PICK A SAVE Bbargain 2bedroomt3! Huge a bedroom only $4251 NE Budget 3 bedroom 53601 795 265-7107 UNITED fee charged NEW 4-3-2 on an acre off 170e Easy to Hwy 114 South Lake area 51000 month $500 deposit Heien Ekrut Realtors 2824434 S89-2088 NEW REDFORD LARGE I bedroom2bathclupiexschoolS snooping WO carpets dishwasher drapes storage discounted to 5550 204-3140 Summertield WISFP bul Wins 001 Ake F16 SS2S $301) deposit 2314136 4303266 vslATAUGA 3-2-2 brick veneer bedrooms fireplace stock ade fence available July I SSJO mo 498-4173 New 4-2-2 spilt bedroomdormal living dining StgirCOM EtiSy tO schools Airport Fwy 820 No yard work 6850 mo AIS-2589 Keller New 3-2 2 for lease or lease purchase heat pump ceiling fans fetsced yard dr S550 to S625 Evenings 131-243S 3-2-2 Brick home for lease HES School district fenced attic tan cent ha all built-inS new carpet reouire6mo lease 571-1102 3-7-7 brick den liVing room 6485mo S-0082 deposit Ayallabie Ju- ly 17 4a two homes tor lease in Keller eacn 322 fenced near school excel cond SS50 mo 6300 deposit Ss75 mo S300cleposi 577-1158 Summerfield for lease 3-2-2 wbfp built-ins draoes fenced 4001 uneberry SS7SplusS300deposit 781-7441 EULESS NEW 3-2-2 BRICK Perfect for starter home with huge livingdining area brick woodburning fireplace eat in kitchen with lots of cabinets and box window seat Cul-de-sac lot Now only $71950 CALL 540-2242 FOX 0 still the best answer to a new home 647 Houses-Rent Unturn Arlington 8 HOMES FOR LEASE Homes for lease all over Arlington 2 3 and 4 bedrooms some brand new some with 'regimes some fenced a few have access lo ooOls MAX 100 INC 265-4424 Mike Knierim NOS CASABLANCA 0375 tiso 7700 CASABLANCA $375 mg DM WOODSIDE $500 me NM MIDDLEBROOK 1335 me All homes ham 1 ireolocos coiling tan and fence and ant within walkino distance of Arlington 117000 schools junior high CPA REAL ESTATE 470-4273 $400 Lh? $ACO Large new 3-2- SW An WS heat oumo ceiling tan tenced dishwasher drapes tub enclosure WHILE THEY LAST! 483-4303 or Metro 512-414 3 yr otd custom home 3-2-2 cent INBE Ft fenced yard large rooms extra large master 2 blks from grade school available ALA I no pets references rewired 1850 deposit Call 467508 after 630 3 becircorns 2 Yi baths townhome in Arlington Seethru fireplace fenced yard covered parkinkilootrasher-dryer C011110C- tIons rox I Sq ft $52 5 month deuosit 261-0375 274-3132 3-2-2 custom home In Overland West Addition Separate game room large family room wIth fireplace country kitchen formal dining fencedyard Andros 2300 so: ft16585 MU) With SWOCie- posit 261-0375 774-3132 SW Ad C1arming3-2-2wbfo fenced yard near 120 shopping me Call Jett 161- 7771 Licensed agent Lin 451- after 6:30 I weekends AR 3-2-2 easy access to 1-20 Collins St exit cent hia condition References d' SS2 5 nr month Call after 5om: 2617063 9211561 437-0111 BEST DEALS Big 3 bedroom home S3951 766 Bargain 2bedroorn denS250! Large 4 bedroom toOMP imiSO! 781 265-7107 UNITED fee charged SE PR Erre' 3-2 tklear shopping LtaSiti purchase available trees fenred ya rdS500mo deposit Wainert A Assoc 261-401 ---tvo of I-20 Like ores 34 2 WBFP fenced drapes scared patio cul-cesac Ready 81: 572-0063 vf76-3-22 houses air heat WBFP fenced drapes carpet oulthins garage opener 550 06-6677 2T71653 rBedroorn 2 baths stone fire- Waco new carpet fenced S650 per mo 51)0 damage 460-8135 and 665-4717 atter 6 Executive home 3-72 garnet room large living room weber NE Art WO month Call At69-4285 or 46146 2419 a Venture 2-2 In yr brick obis) dr aped fenced rot rig War ter paid 1440 mo deposit 467-5159 Realtor 277-0975 3-2-2 wbfp fencod back yard drapes built-Ins ceiling fans 1575 5300 denosit metro 6471430 after 5 214-641-1072 Lease cotton 32 WBF energy nficient large fenced ya rd SW Art near 120 8605511 775-7597 homes br with Cent HA Herb Crowder Agent 465-7876 LW Art near I20 brick 3-2-2 nced vA5fo 1320 soft $440 Per rno olus deposit 4513543 cent Ad very' nice brick 32-1 den 5113a rate living room built ins reirig 275-7117 211-1419 LIKc NEW Southwest 3-2-7 fenced S595 deooslt 4615258 or 265-2681 Neer Lake Arlington tenced fireolace Connelly Management 265-2789 tW Ad 3-2-2 all aoollanan fenced yard near schools no Pets $550 465-544 Arl ByMortonElernentary 3-2-2 $550 me $250 Deposit 479-7478 429-0274 )15I-1 Art all builiins large fenced yard yrs old WM ma deposit 57 -0950 aftet down 7 Beautiful 3-2-1's like new 155085525 467-9634214-495805 SE lik new 15508 ts75467-9634 214495-805 SE Art)0 360 3 7 with ga- rage 5525 mo 7824648 xec 3-2-2 SW ArrTr k03 mot 1 Mill to 120 261-8677 $WAr13-7- WBFP walk to schools 5550 mo Call 27-5966 new 7-73Wcnen ewes $585 deposit 265-4105 Excellent oroderilirtrom $41 voEbbyHallidayosity261-800 Art near 120 j-7 7 Cent AC wbto fenced $600 261-8952 cont hie excel fem built-ins $465 deo 7634842 Arend New 2 bedroom duplex t795 1 mo free Agent 268-1321 653 Houses-Ront Unfurn Mid Citios LESE Ave 'labia now net 12 belt drapes fIrqpIcp lanced $050 per me plus deposit LaRue 268-3oo totewith $300denosiCoets thil Iron ev 4 bedroom' 2 baths car paraoe araoes builtlas ready now Jane 45-1290 Aval i able Aueutt 1st diw 16111 37-2 brick in meadowbrook rta Dorothy 084ft' town houtt2 4-7 available no 1000 with Caron JOhcltefttrifisield 2811611 4983242 Art I completelv remodeled extras 4528 Pershing 731-7247 Contemporary covered patio 3-3-2 wooded lot S650 Metro: 265-4424 or 214-44643063 Kennedale all elec 2-11330 mo 3-2 $430 mo SM) deposit Appliances furn 793-1272 277-3502 LUXURY DUPLEX 53051Klgestone $750 mo No pers Page Gallery of Homes 292-3731 Westside Luxury Duplex 31-2 wbfla bar patio S535 2944153 Wedgwood Luxury Duplexes 3-22 wbfp invernes-Al- la Mesa 294-0153 luerside: 2-1-1 appliances 8300mo utilities deposit references 782-744: 282-2651 SOLITHSi DE 2-1 completely remodeled 8795 mo S150 deposit 1118 Lipscomb 870-2317 large I bedroom WBFP Cent HA 291-4535 New Luxury Duplex HulettWM area ail extras 44S-0934 Wedgwood 2 bedroom so pets 8415mo $328Wonder Dr 794-0157 Near Alta Mesa 2-24 WBF 1400 50 ft 8475 294-43960 Poly area 2 bedroom redone duolexS65wkS100deposit921-6068 2-1 near ivercrest only $325 mobillsS200deoosit731-2126 1 Bedroom duplex bil Is paid apfiances 8275 mot 485-2695 4-Plex Great 1 bedroom studio on Westside 5375 451-1602 'River Oaks near CAFE 2-1-0 8225mo W114737-7290457-0789 HURST 3 bedroom 2 bath 2 story WRFP $485 498-5422 666 Duplex For Rent Furn Arlington 2-bedroom I bath Abto large living area all elec cent air utility room lanced back yard Near UTA $425 281-0344 667 Duplex For Rent Unfurl' Arlington NEW Sa05 month 2-1 MI appliances refrigerator with Ice maker stockade fencing custom draoes washer dryer connections total electric EDK engerY aporoved 5 minutes from DTA Convenient to1-30 Call 284-2274 NEW brick duplex townhouses 1 2 bedroom -1 12 -2 bath Washer-dryer connections fireplace la rgeMosets rear covered parking Crowley Rd and Wesley in West Arlington $3O 336-4681 or 921-2615 )- I 12 townhouse in Southeast Arlington Luxury brand new ceiling fans fireplace skylight fenced yard with lawn ca Ins near 303 and South Collins $480 month Cali for details on special offer for July 277-7351 Below Market Rates SW Art spacious 3 bedroom 7 12 bath Carport woodburning fireplace 2 yrs old Built-ins include compactor Easy access to shopoing schools Call 765-1095 Large Clean Duplex earthtorse colors 3-212-7 WBFP utility room la roe breakf ast roomconVenient to 130 $435 a mo 506 Nor- wood Circle 271-3950 New 3-2-2 all luxuries fenced WBFP convenient to day care easy access to Dallas and Fort Worth 145 390-1456 until 5 prn 736-1068 after 6 pm weekends 2-1'4 untoue ful WBFP rear car entrance all de sac 5500 16150 cleposits nopets 27-3111 Af- ter 214-72-2438 bedroom 1 bath duplex in central Arlinn Fireolace fenced yard washer-dryer connections $395 mo plus utilities with 8200 deposit 261-0315 774-3132 Bedroom energy efficient fenced yard ceiling fans washer-dryer connections skylight 771-7351Annetteor im Arl New 2-1 12 all aplIP aces washerdryer connections wbf carport adults only no pets $45 Pig me 460-6403 LAA GE 2 bedroom 1 bath NW Ad WasherDryer connection big fenced yard 1405 Water paid adults no pets 261-7684 1012 HOUTT-004 24 fireptatoo fettle $395 ma NOLAN PROPERTY ORGAAT 441-7299 )2 extra large rooms walk-In closets washer dryer connections all built-ins-kitchen private fenced patio 451-6928 f)E Lk Xtv-1 bedroom duplex near 303 and Bowen refrigera- tor washer-dryer connections wbfra 1495 715-4601 NORTH ARL Luxury Duplexes wbfo wet bar 245-3511 479-431h 7144151 Exit a clean 2-2 dooiex thRTY covered pa rkng fenced 1435 deposit 761-8103 energy off iciemt carport washer 'dryer connection S440-S465 214-1555 Large luxury 2-2 lawn care ao- 011anCPS fenced laundry hook- ups S430 71-3363 or 214-6620 NW Ant 2 bedroom 112 bath wacherciryer included fenced 5450 Call 761-9796 Deluxe3-7-2 WrIF Pcelling fan yard maintenance sprinkier SC0 me firm 451-0880 irlirlgtOrt Heights Spacion7272 bedroom duplex $400 ma Gas water void 31-0222 or 346-0874 New 2:1 washer-dryer conrsec- lions carport all elec no pets or Children 1415 ma 765 7033 SPA C10-1-37-iitAiThriT-4- PIKE-1 washerdryer water Paid Call 465-310 or 465-1515 new luxury whip fenced lake trees $415 460-3886 Water paid Lee 496-1576 hicrtt-Tririduplexecavallabkt Call for details 214-998 WA ft Ciaiiii4756pliitios--111 2 2653511 4794381 7744157 Arl 7 7-2 Immediate PancyS460mo deposit 75-1994 2 bedroom 1 bath 1385 ma 765-2470 673 Duplex For Rent inform Mid Cities GRAPffVINE country feting cwt hi 1S 2814960 kitiI3tortchtioyc4DAKM767 2521 MOVE TODAY! Peadynow3hedroomS27517316 5361936 Texastlemesteecharge Country 2 bedroom fericed lend for horses has air S785! 2374 536-1936 TexasHomesfeecharge Crowley 2 bedroom has air car- pet fenced only S280 call 2940 536-1936 TexasHomesfeecharge 5-22 Far East lempolshady yard3475 month WOO de-Posit Call 451-1843 Country living 34 wooded acre A iedo SCh001 2-7-2 br ick WEEP 5-00 mo 246-3431 246-1113 820 Immaculate 3-1 I7-2 covered patio gas grill ceiling fan $490 7838965 DGWOOD hiwnes for rent 149S up Den 292-1440 Award Prop Memt 294-2353 id-UTHWEST 3 bedroom fireplace S495 Colleen 2924660 Award Realtors 294-2353 IVERZAKS! Large3bedroom home ids notsOK fenceS3751 921 3181 NITED fee charged HOME $150 Comfy 2 bedroom kids OK! 810 9715181 UNITED tee charged 44ALTOMIThrZlean 2beciroom home with carpet S2501 784 971-5181 UNITED fee charged NOR THEAST area 3bectroom den 2 full baths air $412! 783 9715181 UNITED fee charged' FASTS I DE 2 bedroom home all carpet drapes Only $275! 875 921-5181 UNITED fee charged EASTwOOD-POLY Nice 2 bedroom home S1751 788 9215181 UNITED tee charced! GOO'S Lirmt ACRE Spacious 3 bedroom home $775! 970181 UNITED fee charged OFF JAMES! Convenient 3 bed-1 roomhomecentral airS3251 782 9713181 UNITED tee charged wo-FRE-S-tIIIII-Silarp2bedroom home apollances $3001 776 9215181 UNITED tee charged 479 Seikirk Dr fans fenced yard off Dr S650 The S500 deposit 923-6070 1 6101 Stadium Dr 3-I-I fenced $385 mo $700 deposit Pay own utilities 737-2505 IDGLE A WE ST MI reme SA) lotus occosit Mitchell Assoc Don 792-9163 fence carpet workshop in back $350 mo bills 4105 Frv St 1-645-3159 Horse Owner's 3-22 brick 4 acres fenced Of Ft Worth $675 rms 346-1884 973-43875 West Side 2 bedroom dOod location $475 Kimerer Realty 738- i23 Nice Eagle Mtn Lake cottage Super view private beach dock facility $600 mo 234-2277 3hedroom house lust redor 1 Irt block off Riverside 0125 plus bills 737-4796 or 268-2077 Westside: cet Stn 7-2 fully corbeled WBF S475 deposit 496-3400: 336-7677 Saginaw 3-2-2 bullt-inswbfp fenced 3495 S300 deposit 625 Edwards 737-8136 439-37M WHITE SETTLE-M-ITIT S2S0rnoS103moositnoblISS Paid no pets 746-1186 Vvestdolnt nice family home brick carpeted wbfp dant hie large 32-2 7327520 3-22 brickwhfo ieric ed Foster Village $500 rm $730 security deposit 51-3532 or 2675670 xtra nice 2 bedroom available July 5 $350deposit 3232 81h Ave 976-1794 2- 2 Forest Hillscarbet in bedroom 3500 per MO Plus $2k0 deposit 536-4976 rake Coentry-Lease with purchase option 1-2 5850 per mO Call 441-8344 Cute 2 bedroom home appli ances remain 1375 deposit Call after 6 916-3159 595-1117 isWTeTtlement 2-1 rame stove refrig fenced 785 refrences deposit 3700 647-276 Voia EST HILL newer brick cent air fireplace drapesfencedS465738-3072TM1 MOS Duncan Dr 3 bedroom 'no The ProPer9Y Managers 9424240 II-411hanniscie2 bedroom $300 me The Property Managers 9424240 GO 3-2-2brick ireplook cent HA fence S475 deposit References 246-4534 171t-o-so- deliTtedrotsm roe trees $215 4 7022 460-8921 A6Z-6c-TEEPIDOE 3-21 wbtp 8525 mo 792-5136 Homes tor renaleobrook 1550- 575 $3S0 deposit 2495118 riEteMoond 3 bedroom $ASO MO Cent air tenpAl 1-636-2666 rrrEi7r-FteT COW nections rent or sell 561-1181 brick home on 76 acres in Burleson a rea 795-8484 iri-iir-FuTTEYbedrooms weekly olcis deposit 81-1999 --j7F-Iwpo 74-2 wbto fenced vard $495 by Owner 7948ektra kin- 1 bedroom guest hou se 641 ttouses-R ent tinhorn Arlington Only In Arlingt9n Can you rent beaut Sul now bedroom home for as II Me as $400 mo Home complete with fireplace drapes collino tan lewn and Senor! Cali todeet This otter is for limited time only' CPA Real Estate 478-4273 41007 WE irrwiraD: lireMaar VMS bar Siam $ell 1504 PINERIOGE: Fireplace WKS $525 tee NOON CREST: 514 Oro Mere microwave lent" roar tower a I-2S M25 OIS LEMON TREE 342 Oro Mace temp ewer Caesar 1 540 1525 OLAN PROPERTY MGM aat22W Otty Av 2 Bedroom including washertdrver- s385 or Assbilis bald $150 deoosit 29S-8982 SOUTHSIDE 2 Bedroom bills Paid tiEvosit 2954982 DUPLEX SOUTHSI 0 clean S55 wk $100 deposit 332-9047 661 Duplex For Rent Unturn Grand Opening ONE MONTH FREE IMM5DIATE OCCUPANCY New 3-114-1 carpet drapes stove dishwasher refrigerator laundry hookups WBF fenced Yard front yard maintained by us 1435 rno S200 deposit 6 mo lease Furnished model open for viewing Daily from Closed Fridays 29S-0196 WEDGWOOD AREA Beautiful nem 7-1 carport 2-7garage3-7garahe fireplace Patio fenced forma' dining starting from $475 month S250 deposit 6 month lease Yard maintained OPEN DAILY 794-7458 7949399 BURLESON DUPLEX 2 bedroom 2 bath brick carpets HA paneled living area double Oven stoye dishwasner and disposal Washerdryer connections In garage Fenced yard $295 me $200 deposit No bilis paid 148 Meattir 923-6894 BENBR 00K AREA new condi-- non 2 bedroom 2 bath upper washer and dryer wriections Lease for $400 HELEN PIONTER RENTALS 921-3703 Suoer Westside locatim beautiful 1500 scion available 7-4-83 2 large bedrooms walk-Ins 2 full baths with dressino fireplace double garage all bui it-ins S650 rno elec 3317 ri stol 870-2303 8-5 Men Fri Mr White Luxury duplex 3-2-1 (like separatehouse)off BrentwoodStair adiacent to Meadowbrook Golf Course WBF Ceiling fans yard maintained adults only no pets References S595 plus de Positlease 451-6027 LUXURY DUPLEX NM Lake Country states 3-2-2S-451500ft Diningroorn storage fenced yard vetifp Pets 626-5555 SoutnGrand Prairie Like neat 2- 2 brick duplex cent HA ceiling tan mini blinds and draoes re-frig range washerdryer connections 15000lus available July 25 214- 264-2166 214-263114 arand Prairie neat duplex In lengrove Estates 2-2 wt5415 ceiling fans microwave wasnerdryer hookups outside storage bidet Seit S200deposit Call 214-642-3081 Lake Country estates 3-2-2 btu washer-dryer connec lions cent ft A enclosed patio 5525 lease S3(0dettosit 236-1355 for 8D0t WEWNCNN) New taro luxurf 4 Wax 2-11 wtdP ten 014:1 storage securdv $425 73133d4 CTtft-NAT 71 uhdated C401 atter 6om 13i31 IMAIO oposit Map neightvrdhood C60 Mery Lou457-2600 woolondsor Mier 6 appliances enclosod oatio (0rDort cohle 240197 rd 21- dining dw MO sq ft Augult 71493799 TeV oH Forest Pere 224 WOO S1OO Derosi 42 49495 sores furnished $215 6S4 4 2 rtied-r-o-3inTritrelliFtiT17-66A7 Ant leIcliv 454 3421 Weliside neer downtown 3 2 1 soults rto oats SAKS 10 IMO 14441-roriO41- it12711t 1il9S OPoOilt 431 JTF $595000 Westover Hills 2109HiddenCreek Rd Wide expanses of glaSa afford breathtaking view from this sleek contemporary on private court in Fort Wortn's rnostexclusive addition 5 bedrooms baths 2 living areas each with woocburning fireplace library separate breaktast room 3 Cat garage $175000 Monticello 415 Monticello Dr Poll Sed hardwood floors wood-burning ft replaa and plantation shutters $et the theme for this 3 bedroom 3 bath Williamsburg style brick horse recently renovated with spacious master suite and loxui ious bath Guest suite attached comPlete with kitchen and bath WardN others $125000 Rivercrest 3924 5th New brick townhouse with skylights fireplace wet bar Darouet floors MPS tied between RivercrestandMonticello2bed- rooms separate dininq large kitchen glassed in plant area $89500 Crestwood 3700 Wiktwood On the corner of NI Bailey and idwOol MIS is the cutest 2 bec)- room 2 bath conternoorarv on the market! Cornchetev rnocp elect and dodeed with sk light erocdburnind tireolace 1PSte ilances cabinetcbathscentrdt heat and air The viork $79500 Arl Hts 2124 Ashland Cov 7bdrootro 'bath Neve nq and cbeodcobebewoh SO8COuS roorrs rrdi hd been uobateel Par buot entry high CC4HflS ond iaaels of charm $120000 Commercial" 5313 Bi rthman Portoct tor small tusines or office buliding Price rust reduced! JayneT Fraley Associates 737-7700 PRICED REDUCED on this are throe 10Vel conternPorary in Mont Del Estates Oversited living rooM and master suite adloin a third level balcony Formal dining and a great Country kitctun with dit the ex The or ice reduction has turned a good buy into a bargain Call Jeanne 244OSa8 or Gloria 244-3939 NEW ON MARKET EL RANCH ESTATES Country hying On two acres Large three bedroom with for mai areas and a game room Air conditioned work shoo and a five stall barn Great place tor and horses Call Sandy 132-0026 or Phil 31 8911 10105 INDIAN MOUND immactilate 3 2 2 hroow in nicest oartolksmocsoint Lowesto an'd fOr Co-fiCk wtio ai Car kene 2441111 or Kay 3 41U6 SIDE BY SIDE aro two loyttly northys In Creo rod wo bedroom two living areas on nice lots with trees For orices ancidetailscall Jo 266156) or Kay NORTH BENAROOK Sorirtgbranch is a nice street and have twoefro nice tour bortroorn homes for sole Both have formal living and dining areas baths and many extr as For more riPteniS on both call Sandy 32-0026 or Jorame 244-Sa88 CONVENIENT A CLOSE to OD and Carswell Extra niCe three bedroom On Quiet court LolSof storage space and walk in closets Less than throe yearS old Call Gloria 244-3939 or Carlene 244- ONLY WOOD tor thls two bortroorn Lots of kid dating And redtKorating make this a real doll house Oon't miss out on Mil Sandaw Cali Gloria 244 3939 or Jo 2441565 Gallery of Homes BI 11 Wisdom Co 731-0733 REDUCED 0000f 10 VA Asumntion I NOr(VVY1 tormAl arcAs clowt trN fievloce ownor rota Char lone 292 2966 WEAR CARSWELL A GO nosh ppI I hPIt SW500 Chirlos 4A6 AWARD 294-2353 MIS Business Property Rent Lease) Nice 1st floor corner suite with 2 window reoelstion are SOO so ft total At 11 10 In Euless mo 267-C638 Jean Excellent restaurant location In Benbrook 4600 so ft free standing bldg In new showing center S60-1113 737-2066 PRIME LOCATION 44NV showing center Lacitiand Rd Near Werner RATTAT "MM Texaco service station for lease in Mineral Wells area Call Bill Clark 8OO-442-3485 750 so ft office space for lease 5705 Airport Flay 831-4111 Norman 112 acres fenced storage area 78C0 Vickery Bldg lea area S603 rm 478-1137 WAREHOUSES 4332 soff2000 SO tt VIckerY location 478-1137 New meta I birtg ICOO so ft inso- later' S200mo 572- 1278 1- 1280 salt retailer off ice space Near Seminary Scuffs 47 7 -2022 2811 CROCKETT 4572 so 11 Industrial 927-5311 5171 River Oaks 2140 so ff In shopping center 927-5311 3035 Townsend at Berry 1400 so ft service or retail 9275311 4200 Vickery 12002400 soft in snooping center 338-44N 690 Office For Rent tHliosIpecie Available softorirneottice space Mid-Cities area Convenient to 1)FW Airport ()alias Ft Worth available immediately 58' oer Soft toll service Fields 783-5544 Finest address in City of Ft War list Choice Eastside location adiaamt to Turnpike Plenty of parking Primeoll ice specie Call Bill Elliott 457-2282 or 429-t9SS 642 1 Cam) Bovole excel ient location 711 salt and 5000 sett" which can be Subdivided 73l 019 BAILEY AVE 3sultesupto2000sothavallabie lanitorpaidfreepark infs Contact Parker 332-8464 )931 SEMINARY 400 so ff Janitorial bills paid 8J3 292 9082 or 793-3233 42) PIPELINE Newly decorated 1400 sot ft suite of offices S703 792-9082 or 793-3233 3 small offices reception area Near Seminary South 477-7022 Choice offices near Frwy 5133 mo23200aklaad Blvd S312733 Office space for lease 7803 Vickery Call Cerri at 654-3055 Bedroom house with small off ice and iot for rent 534-2489 Luxury Office Space SW An 265-3511 277-0671 Cholce office spaces near frwy 6175 up 3312 Oakland 534-4I07 700 Real Estate 701 Houses for Sale SUCCESS IS KNOWLEDGE-- Specialize In real estate On site Condzimlniums and townnomes I ratnind available Licensed Professional well Desire to have hign InCOrne Tracey 7314161 Wm igg Is Real Estate 70 2 West Side-Area 1 NEAR RIVERCREST COUNIR CLUB Two bedroomtwobath with many extra features S135000 Penny Hudgins 411-7677 SUMMERTIME FUN: Three bedroom two bath formal a reas lus beautiful pool St 10000 731517S RIDOLEA AREA: One owner custom built horne three bedroom two bath formal living and dining $134S00 Scheer 2444001 STYLISH: Two bed room one bath wood-burning flrepiace custom landscaping with Me red light ingbeautiful pool SI20000 Penny Hutfoins 44I7671 LUXURY AT ITS BEST: Beautifully decorated townhouse out standing location two bedroom two hath lor mai dining $92900 Scheer 2441007 Merrill Lynch Reatty 294-3894 673 Duplex For Rent Unturn Mid Cities New NRH 4-Plexes New 1 2 bedroom sots NR All built-ins including washers and dryers Wilshire 782-9313 nites 498-1027 NEARLY New 2 bedroom 2 oath family room fireplace oulit-ins convenient to DFVV Grapevine $550 1st last S200 dKvos It ERA-G Irby Co Realtors 204-49411 2 weeks tree rent Pretty brand new duplex 2-2 carport and stor- age building NR H1495 mo $150 cieposit656-4071 nights 4135-5203 NRH 2-2-caroort wilts excel cond elernentory school very close $495 4984228 2 bedroom big kitctwn washer dryer hookup 1395 Atter 50m Call 595-1480 BEDFORD 3-2-2 WBF 024 Shady Lane V50 656-0211 600 Mobile Home For Rent F- urnisnetied oom mobiie homes clean poi icepatrolled no pets saao -1700 rms 420 Roberts Cutoff 7374541 New IWO 2 bedroom bath 'Total Electric shingle roof storm windows 0 mos inc luckes park rent Westside 4417504 Near Atte at Pelican bay 1564 Swan CI 2 bedrcom 120 175 ckoosit Gene Thompson 716-4641 2-2 mobile on 12 1350 mo 1200 deposit The Brvants Co 44143131 3 BEDROOM2 Batts 1221 me 1150 deposit- No pets- 675451 or 23745n For rent nice 7 bedroom mobile home Mansfield area 496-64M or 478-7677 Burieuxt 2 bedroom furnished on wooded lot no pets 795-7474 T3T-bedroom mobile houses apts turn unfurn 227-5909 immediateoccubancy1375mo I on fenced acreage 18972007 crWTTitill 2 bedroom carpet air 170 week 793-2009 478-3201 Mobile home 160 wk Water paid 2 bedroom 478-1373 Burleson in country 2 bedroom mobile home 7955074 Mansfield 2 bedroom mobile home for rent Adults 178-1500 )110 ac Barn Joshua is550 mo 792-3811 or 292-584 toUNTRYturnishecill 'AVM mo1110depositnopets2374038 2 bedroom 2 bath nice tur nished NW 2491404 244-5111 682 Wanted to Rent NrArd covered soace South or Westside tor motor home 7317001 Wanted to tease acreage house Ft Worth area 973980 WM Business Property (Rent Lease) WESTSIDE COmmercial Office soace for lease Prime 10Callefi 2400 SQ ft Joyce 141-7525 Brants Realtors 731-8466 294-2440 graELLENY RE NitletOtr LOCATION Now Loosing? RETAIL SPACE Benbreok Sficooing Canter for informatico contact LA Jacobin' 560-1113 Location Location NOW Le ASING Retail Soace SO WEST SHOPPING CINTFR LA Jacobin' 5601113 or Commercial 612 Meadow Park 2000 soft Heal Air S450 a month 875 so ff retallor office LtIOP between White Settlement Rd Clifford Gene Thom*osort 2464646 irbMskii TFTiTellee nse Park Glassfront wholesale or distribution 30000 Sg it warehouse prime An Ice cation Will finish to suit 3 dock tlion loading doors fully sprite kiered 7611619 -WeitiTrietiisTmercial RntIs 5(a) to WO s(i ft low as SI1S S409 iiirchmannearCamoBowas 451913ryreiCamptiowieHulen) 8IWB US Hwy bOW 914930 US Hwy eCON Charles 737-4169 Exceptional (51 avii Blvd Ins) It 30 ft front cent IVA excel for restaut tnt Or off ice ION bvlflQ for 90 (JAYS left on current Inme 57-0411 64-1PeskAeacherla Pr Imo 1000t 10n i004 100' harluar 5t00 4)00140111 labia a410 iCiii 6748441 iiChe 2 bedroom large cies- 32 fres" "In lect cnt hla let living room kitcricn cambia fenced yard near school s1600 -h Hon witn a ilarces Largebath deposit refereces Discount available 595-0936 5-9orn heat and al Fenced' adults only' 1125 ma 1100 deposit 732-0239 42 yrtp ofiend boodrickor3e-2a-s2focaallteionlecturi9c4 Western Hills available now 2- ma riedford 267-9313 lig wbfp carport built In kitchen appliances no opts 1 Convenient 3-2-2 garden home child Water paid 1415 me 1300 storage galore sparkilng MOW clepaslt 244-8356 11395 plus deposit 498-6366 Several 2 3 bedroom duplexes Holiday West-NOW-- apallances furnished Northsicle 3-2-2 Cathedral ceiling WBFP I Southside Como areas 735-9211 fenced 1600 ma 498-6778 days 717-8515 for Coma area PriNorthR ichiandcorner list41 i others 654-451 wkends se ma or I yr lea 5 YrS aid 'New luxury 2 bedroom I bath ma 2686 An tit* 4812 Wellesley 1365 0-r rPfltZtgrd itl'o6rc4I45 r9114hi tsr i rrid All washer- dryer -5211 737-4028 atter 5 a last dedoSit 4O36S gulets 3 bedroom I bath ga- 529-2129 Largo 2 3 bedrooms duolexeS kir ilskinced isiner poweo CondoS a apts covered parks Large new 3-2 duplex flregl6ce Hurst3bedraom 1 bathcarget 9aracle and fenced 140 0 builiiin kitchen apallances 2321 336-7725 pine Powell Windy Pine In off Arkansas Ln 6544180 metro 429-8976 ktril 3-2-1 fireolace clean fenced Available 16th 14012 per hoembill a Berry e701711-red7 ma 1250 deposit 282-8820 room I bath duakulno appli- ances water oald 1700 ma ii-743-77kieTr White 4eerP99ii 265-5502 or 589-a105 41 fenced patio was moiler ----c-A-librt-citz-t---- No oohs 1471 234-406o 5114360 Luxury Dualex 3-2-2 WBFP itifiritirtiThiaTialh-341711i41- washerigrver lanneclions de- acis 17 1421 1713 MacNeil posit lease 1575 ma 294-8751 S-0 A 3-2-2 clean cent 2 bedrnOM all a npliances draped carpet range S550 S7 dr anm air S-110 0324 Welieslev deposit 301Landan Ln 254-0905 731084 7356142 Id irif 3-Tr fenced built- Northsicle I bedroom brick Ins 1450 Call 4911-675 clean On btsS line dar Nally fern Er6005ii5Tysvbfri built-Ins with ref rig 05 wk11 25 like new 1SW Call 498-6118 834-2367 Haltom City )-2-3 66-n-wbfg Art Hts redecorated 1700 saH patio arc 751-6778 landlcaped 2-1 fireptace rw addllanCeA walherdr con- giirlford 3-2-2 wBIP fenced ao168s 2261 1695 deposit 481-4107 -WiTiiitood dir7 gTid-tard H-7471or rent MANY xtas 1650 167-7179 wilf i wiww covc: lions 1rW4iTerd lei 04 2- 112- I fenced centNil a carnet SA50 deposit 284-2416 iFehb7I)6171-) carport kitchen Watauga 241 built ins a npliances washer dryer calPecir al cel ling1415 495-6778 RP yard water rt8ld14-S0- IFSititnotirkT ciTi-317-wbli 7924673 reterencos 1475 8344796 A-Freits 2-1 5011Geddesnear Hip Watauga brie-CI-24 wbfp downt vorg 1160 moo 496-8490 winner-dryer Cennnections Keller schools 1585 379-5049 buiInn lt-Ins retrip near ril VV 3-1-r large lot with trays sais kiasedpoosis gfissess brick I Dlex swArate meters positive cash flow $7000 1p cir a so tencpd Ism rno ru03 yrir Inance 110000down 26-5- Euless 3 bedroom I bath garaw fenced 1380 3367775 Piner Pow Hurst 3 bedroom 1 bathca raft garage and fenced 1400 336-7225 Piney Powell 1411 3-2i fenced Available 16th MO per ma $250 deposit 782-8820 1170-7-JcieTr 9P1-147-19-4 1-1-1 fenced pato wee pseelM No stets SAIL 23keoee tlisc4efir25 5713 MacNeil 3-2-2 clean cent tita draped carpet canoe 5550 S750 depas it 301 London Ln 204-0905 wRii wn fenced bold-ins 1450 Call 4911-6778 br60645TYsettfp bui ItIns lIke new 1550 call 498478 Haltom City 12-3 Oen-whip 1700 satt patio ac 201-6778 3-7-7 wBPP fenced lees dpnosit 481-4107 H-os7tTlar rent MANI extas 1650 767-7179 Nolk H3-1 I2-1 lenced cent a carpel SA50 deposit 7114-7416 Watausa 34-1 tioncd coined al eel lind 1415 498-6778 iTsibiTACKIrWl references $AIL 113447911 Watauga brie-CI-S-7 wbfp Keller schools 1585 379-5049 14 VV 3-14 iareeTot with trees 1175 lease-dePosit 783-5927 ref Leese Irf-riraw-v wr7re sebto fenced S-550 rno 784-0315 acoBs 702 West Side-Area 1 Eagle Mt LakeAzie 228 Timberlake Dr Entoy this summer living in the "Westover His' of Azle Near lake with (private beach boat Old recreation grounds 3 bedrooms baths elegant for Only S169060 Beverly Frassinalli 132-6663 idgma Exceilent Ouiet neighborhood near Westover for your family in the 3 bed room 2 bath den Ed Williams 7373356 Great Privacy! Monticello OWNER FINANCING CONSIDERED on this 3 bedroom 7 bath home with spacious Dininq Room and updated 9uest house Katherine Speairs 9264444 Location Location Location The three most Important things In reaiestate and this one has them ail! On River-crest Golf Course vacant Cali for acooinNysims 4201 Lone Oak Beverly Frassinein 73243643 Vacation At Home Swim play tennis and then sauna all at your own Did CP I tr t5)2f 2 bedroom CONDO Margaret Dial 6264890 Your Own Pool IN CR STWOOD 4 bed room 2 bath with nowlv re- moorlool kitchen 279500 Katherine Socair I 976-4444 GRADY REALTORS 332-5354 OPEN HOUSE 2 TO A SUNDAY 1812 WESTERN AVE RIVERCREST AREA Wry nice bedroom vot would rse 2- p2938 roud to own 114808 Gene 29 RIOGNAR AREA This one is made for family tiv Incr a bedroom 2 'a baths 2 liv- in areas lars gekitcnen andutiii tv room Young fruit trees and kenced backyard Outside storage shed can be greenhouSe Si 15000 Gene 292-2938 WORK FOR DOWN Very nice 2 bedroom home with living room den and I car garage Convenient location 139000 ARLINGTON HEIGHTS New listing attractive 3 bedroom home with formsi and dining rooms A bargain at SASCOO YESTERYEAR Charming or a bed room home 1M Arlington HttiVils For mal lig Ing dining and i car gal a Walk to sh000lng So9000 RIDGIEA HILLS Bersutitvi home in orestiolaiiS API ormAi living nininsiF iarge dews stelth oak prgrkeel stm11 arwl sprinkler svstent aka-my amenities S85000 CUTE COTTAGE Very nloply clac or ated hoiroorn Mon Hi leirge cows wood flow ano I car ctitottwo gar agg t4S00 ANN PEARCE EALTORS 9216591 702 West Side-Area 1 BIG HOUSE BIG VALUE3-2-2 large living room plus den fireplace study off master bedroom Large lot Kepi lent cond Jackie 249-2530 TRULY DELIGHTPUL bedrcern I bath new carpet Paint fericed yard trees large kitchen and clininu excellent neighborhood Mid S50's Jackie 249-2530 WAITING? WHAT FOR? Exceilent value Start your own eouity 3 bedroom 2 bath file Place in family roam Carom area fruit frees flagstone side driveway Too cond Low SlIrs Jackie 2492530 TOUCH Of CLASS Lovely manicured lawn sur rounds this Immaculate hone Solit bedroom arrangement Formal dining ceiling tans large I tchen many cabinets arid breakfast bar Candy 249-4974 130500 Owner says sell this bath Immaculate home Stove window units and spare heaters to remain Joleen 249-33256 OWNER CARRY Assume this 938 interest rate and let theowner car ry Dart of his equity Immaculate 3 bedroorn2 bath 2000 den 582 900 Joieen 249-3254o LEASE PURCHASE This vacant 3 bedroom 2 bath formal dining is ready to rnoye into Assumable It la FHA loan with an aporoz S72800 eaultv Joieen 249-3256 INTEREST RATE Assume this equity Soacklus 3 bedroom with storm windows 2- way firenlacit skylight large country kitchen Joleen 249-3256 WESTPARK ADDITION 575900 3 hodroorn 2 bath large master bedroom with sitting area walk in closets Patio assumable 9 HA loan Imme diate possession Owner will car rY equity Pat Gray 7491258 PARTICULAR? This is it Approx 2000 sq ft 3 tedroom living den with fire010CP country kitchen circle driveway SprinklesystemF HA appralsed S711202 Pat Gray 2493256 OMEGA PROPERTIES Realtors 249-2347 LOOKING FOR Tower I no trees the com tor tot an established neighborhood this handsome 2-story home Is alive wIth colorformalsden spacious kitchen 3 bedroom 2 VI baths double garage Terry Ray 132- 133 924-5141 SWIM TIME Avery UniQue contemporary home with a Mexican flair Lots of glass adobe time floors 2 WRFP's dem with wet bar for rnal dining living room all open ling Onto patio around beautiful Inackyardandpool SIS9000 Ma- ldislyn West 1322133 131 314 CLOSE IN Cu StOrn but kirli(Me contentoo bsry with 41 bedrooms hothS wet bar WHF very Close se cure neighborhood Wilk WWI dis twice to schools lot flied in mow lett Arlington Heights St15itild MoctelynAlost 13217 33 13 I 3642 Harry LeeWood Inc Realtors 732-7733 00 so ft whip 3-2-Z new carpet 1535 it3t 1127 "StionliPtifer Watadoe nism 3221425 references 4-6196 erTni or-FETAT--c it-71 screen kurs-rfireaTzAre-Ta7Toic 1475 415 i 3946 irrin cdiiiylIk $1006 me Slum ckvasit 485-4037 IlisAWaTar ye come WLIFP $725 DAKM 2827572 Nice drr- fenced 1490 met 498678 rt and ouesdre 75 At 681371 kids pets pis Assent 2611132 I kiJCI-SrITTIiitiOnaei-471 1 7415 Istandfastpfus deposit 49040sp IMMACULATg 142 tor root root rur Kum with lorow(tori tirohirwo control Funt diUtS Moot montO An-Ito snow 7266 Nidiuto wwrotoo (DIY VA LOU SMITH INC 41I15A8 040 3974 CiArkn 1 444 Du Mix For Root Rim.

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.